Hagan Major – Co-founder of YellowHammer

Hagan Major - Co-founder of YellowHammer

[quote style=”boxed”]Move desks around in the office. It annoys everyone to no end, but it’s a very easy way to have different groups and people work together, and it makes the operations of YellowHammer run more smoothly.[/quote] Hagan Major is co-founder and COO of YellowHammer, a New York City-based performance…

Meet Hagan Major – Co-founder of YellowHammer

Corey Weiner – Founder of Jun Group

Corey Weiner - Founder of Jun Group

[quote style=”boxed”]Focus. I’m addicted to multitasking, but I’ve found that it simply doesn’t work very well, and it’s a character flaw I’ve had to work on. When I’ve focused exclusively on the task at hand, I’ve been much more productive and effective.[/quote] Corey Weiner helped found Jun Group while he…

Meet Corey Weiner – Founder of Jun Group

Thomas Knoll – CEO and Trust Builder at Primeloop

Thomas Knoll - CEO and Trust Builder at Primeloop

[quote style=”boxed”]I think we’ve all heard that culture is really important at least a thousand times. “Get the culture right. Don’t mess up the culture.” But most people don’t talk about the other side of this coin. If the culture is not a fit for me as an individual, I…

Meet Thomas Knoll – CEO and Trust Builder at Primeloop

Charles Cantu – Founder of Huddled Masses

Charles Cantu - Founder of Huddled Masses

[quote style=”boxed”]Always take time to reflect on the day or what’s to come. Some call it meditating or praying. However you label it, it’s during these quiet times that you can really meld vision and purpose.[/quote] Charles Cantu started with nothing more than an associate’s degree and a passion for…

Meet Charles Cantu – Founder of Huddled Masses

Erik Grimmelmann – President and CEO of NYTECH

Erik Grimmelmann - President and CEO of NYTECH

[quote style=”boxed”]Seek the perspectives of others. Surrounding yourself with a diverse set of smart people is really important. Some of these people will be within your organization, others will be outside of it.[/quote] Erik is the President of NYTECH, a membership-driven, 501(c)(6) non-profit organization focused on developing and promoting the…

Meet Erik Grimmelmann – President and CEO of NYTECH