Fernando Campos – Director at AnyPerk

[quote style=”boxed”]Focus and execution. I hone in on our core competencies, and leave everything else for later. There are always a million things we could be doing, but it’s crucial to focus on what actually brings the most value to our company.[/quote]

Fernando is the Director of Business Development at AnyPerk. At AnyPerk, he oversees direct sales and channel partnerships. He was also an early employee at Betterworks where he helped create and scale the infrastructure for the sales team. Fernando is a graduate of the University of Southern California (USC), where he earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration.

What are you working on right now?

AnyPerk is an employee perks platform for businesses of all sizes. We provide amazing corporate rates and VIP treatment in fitness, entertainment, travel, team building and much more. We help employees save money, increase productivity and bolster morale.

Where did the idea for AnyPerk come from?

Our founders had experience working at small startups and larger corporations. They had witnessed companies of all sizes lack the time or resources to implement successful perks programs. The founders had seen this business model be very successful in Japan, and wanted to bring it to the United States.

What does your typical day look like?

I’m literally always on the phone or shooting off emails. I spend the majority of my time in meetings with potential clients and channel partners. “Always be closing.”

How do you bring ideas to life?

Focus and execution. I hone in on our core competencies, and leave everything else for later. There are always a million things we could be doing, but it’s crucial to focus on what actually brings the most value to our company.

Execute on things that have significance, and don’t put those things off!

What’s one trend that really excites you?

Peer sharing is a really hot trend right now. Individuals have a desire to share and make side income from their assets. Companies like AirBnb and Lyft are pioneering this space. If you haven’t tried either service, I’d really recommend it for the experience. I believe we’ll see a lot more startups emerge from this space within the next few years.

If you were to start again, what would you do differently?

I don’t know if I would change anything. My experiences have shaped who I am today, and guide me through every day decisions. Even my slight detour into finance comes back to help me regularly.

As an entrepreneur, what is the one thing you do over and over and recommend everyone else do?

There is a Tony Hsieh quote that I love, “Whatever you’re thinking, think bigger.” This quote could not be true. With every task I do, I ask myself if it could be done bigger, better, or faster. It’s a great exercise to avoid complacency.

What is one business idea that you’re willing to give away to our readers?

I don’t have a general idea that would work for everyone. Instead, I’d look at the problems that you face on an everyday basis and pick one to solve. It’s much easier to build a product that you would use yourself instead of guessing what others would use.

If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be and how would you go about it?

I would give everyone one role model or mentor to look up to. I’ve been very fortunate to have several mentors throughout my life, and they’ve been instrumental in my success. I’d want everyone to have the same experience.

Tell us a secret.

I was super shy growing up all the way through high school. Many of my close college friends are still in disbelief.

What are your three favorite online tools or resources and what do you love about them?

LinkedIn is an unbelievable tool for both sales and recruiting. LinkedIn gives us access to millions of people that can help build your business in one way or another.

Life without Boomerang would be terrible. Boomerang is a tool that brings back emails to the top of your inbox when you want them to. Amazing tool so that you don’t have to rely on your memory.

Yammer is our primary communication tool. It has an intuitive design, and can be used in a variety of ways. We use yammer to do everything from sharing industry articles, keeping tabs on the competition, and relaying user feedback.

What is the one book that you recommend our community should read and why?

I Will Teach You To Be Rich” – Ramit Sathi. Personal finance is an incredibly important topic to understand. I firmly believe it should be a required general education course in high school or college. Until it is, Ramit’s book is an amazing guide to personal finance.

Three people we should follow on Twitter and why?

Aaron Levie – witty and well informed
Mark Suster – always nice to have the perspective of a VC and an entrepreneur
Paul Graham – great mentor

When was the last time you laughed out loud? What caused it?

Sometime today I’m sure. I’m always laughing. It makes life a lot more enjoyable.

Who is your hero?

My mother has always been a hero to me. She is a successful entrepreneur herself, and has been a testament to hard work and determination. I cannot thank her enough for the role she’s played in my life.

Most important take away you’ve learned through your experience?

Don’t be afraid to ask. I’ve noticed that many people hesitate when asking for help. In most cases, you’ll be in a better spot for it, or exactly where you were. This applies to everything from job searches, to relationships, to closing deals.


Fernando Campos on LinkedIn:
Fernando Campos on Twitter: @fmcampos