Meet eMinutes

Today we are announcing our first sponsor.

And before I introduce our new sponsor, I want to tell you why you haven’t seen any sponsors here before.

One sentence: I don’t want to sell you crap that you don’t need.

Even though I have worked in advertising for the past decade, my belief has always been that advertising on IdeaMensch should only be used to tell you about products and services that I can legitimately endorse and recommend. (Full disclosure, I do link back via an Amazon affiliate links for our book recommendations).

Then a couple of months ago, I started talking to a lawyer. Let me tell you, the only thing I am more hesistant about than advertising is talking to lawyers. They scare me. Their fees scare me and their advice scares me. And sometimes I get the feeling they care more about billing me by the minute than about IdeaMensch.

But when you’re in business, there is legal crap you have to deal with. You have to find some sort of legal entity for whatever it is you’re building, you might need to register a trademark…the list goes on.

All things I tend to avoid against my better judgement.

And then I met this lawyer. Someone I really liked. Someone who was equally as excited about helping startups as I am. Someone I could see myself making impact with for a long-long time.

Someone, I’d be proud to call a sponsor and supporter of IdeaMensch.

Long story short, our first sponsor ever on IdeaMensch is a law firm. It’s called eMinutes and they specialize in one thing and one thing only: incorporating businesses.

In the past, most of their focus has been on creating corporations for A-list actors, Grammy winning musicians and the likes. Did you know that just about every high-profile actor registers a new corporation for each movie he or she is involved in?

eMinutes pretty much owns that space.

So now they’re ready to expand into a new space.


And they’re doing it with a bang.

They are incorporating 500 first-time entrepreneurs in either New York or California for free. And by free, they’re not only dropping their fees but will also pay for all the government filing fees.

It’s a no brainer–and something that I am super proud to let our community know about.

Over the coming months you are going to see some ads here on IdeaMensch. And when you download some of our free content (like our awesome 44 Free Business Ideas eBook), you will see that eMinutes is the sponsor that helped make it possible.

Check out eMinutes. Say thank you to them for supporting our awesome community (@eminutes on Twitter) and please let me know if you’d like a personal introduction to Jeff Unger – and I’ll make it for you. He is an awesome guy.

So, I’ll end this post by saying thank you. Thank you to our awesome community, our interviewees and our readers, without who this would be one sad party. And thank you to Jeff Unger and eMinutes who believe and support what we do.

To help YOU bring ideas to life.