Handcrafted interviews with entrepreneurs, leaders and creators.

Brigitte Lyons – Founder of Unfettered Ink

Brigitte Lyons - Founder of Unfettered Ink

[quote style=”boxed”]It’s useful to make a habit of asking where people are coming from, while acknowledging that you can never know their motivations or feelings.[/quote] Do you ever wonder how you can use the media to deliver your message to more people? Brigitte Lyons helps creative visionaries do just that–through…

Meet Brigitte Lyons – Founder of Unfettered Ink

Brian Gramm – Founder of Peppermint Energy

Brian Gramm - Founder of Peppermint Energy

[quote style=”boxed”]With experience, I’ve come to realize it is okay to hear [naysayers] out and then move on. Don’t let them drain you or your energy.[/quote] Brian is a startup junkie who has guided early stage companies from concept through exit. Prior to founding Peppermint Energy, he founded Milo Belle…

Meet Brian Gramm – Founder of Peppermint Energy

Adam Torkildson – Owner of Customer Hook

Adam Torkildson - Owner of Customer Hook

[quote style=”boxed”]People don’t buy your past skills or work; they buy you. Learn how to make people buy you.[/quote] Adam is an efficiency fanatic. Most people describe him as a robot with laser-like focus. Whether that’s a good or bad description really doesn’t matter. Adam gets stuff done, which has…

Meet Adam Torkildson – Owner of Customer Hook

Ena Sarkar – President of WomenNow

Ena Sarkar - President of WomenNow

[quote style=”boxed”]You must genuinely care for people. The people around you will make your company successful. Nothing is more valuable than that.[/quote] Ena has more than 15 years of experience in media and marketing. She is passionate about bringing value to the Indian diaspora. With her leadership skills, she has…

Meet Ena Sarkar – President of WomenNow

Andrew Rachmatovas – Owner of PUBLIC SCROLL

Andrew Rachmatovas - Owner of PUBLIC SCROLL

[quote style=”boxed”]Never stop creating your big picture, and believe in what you do. You should be able to close your eyes at any time and clearly tell yourself what you’re doing and why you’re doing it.[/quote] Andrew is an owner of PUBLIC SCROLL. Besides running a website, he works as…

Meet Andrew Rachmatovas – Owner of PUBLIC SCROLL

Brett Neese – Founder of Just Run

Brett Neese - Founder of Just Run

[quote style=”boxed”]If you continuously run small projects and experiments, and look deeply into what was both good and bad about them and learn from their outcomes, you can never truly fail; you’ll always have gained knowledge about what works and doesn’t.[/quote] Brett Neese is a 19-year-old tinkerer, builder, and developer….

Meet Brett Neese – Founder of Just Run