Tiffany Dawson – VP of Product Development for TestX Core

Become a consultant. Of course, you can only do this after years of experience. Either way, pick an industry that you’re passionate about, grind at it, become an expert, then become a consultant. You’ll get premium pay, set your own hours, and be able to accept or decline who you prefer to work with.

Tiffany Dawson is the VP of Product Development for TestX Core — a muscle enhancer for men. Before initiating products for TestX Core, she had spearheaded dozens of product in the supplement industry for various companies.

Tiffany enjoys the outdoors — hiking, biking, and mountain climbing. As a healthy lifestyle practitioner, she believes that everyone should take care of their body, eat healthy, and find enough time to reconnect with nature. Besides outdoor adventures, Ms. Dawson collects art, believing that those are masterpieces given by the artists to humanity. She draws some of her day-to-day inspiration from her favorite artworks. She’s also a supporter of organizations and charities that promote physical fitness and healthy living.

Where did the idea for TestX Core come from?

The idea of TestX Core started from seeing some of my friends (men) who were disappointed with the results of using muscle enhancer products. With my extensive background in the supplements industry I thought to myself, “Maybe I can help them.” So I decided to research and create a team of experts to actualize the idea. It wasn’t easy, but the challenge it brought, made the venture rewarding. As they say, it’s not the destination, but the journey.

What does your typical day look like and how do you make it productive?

I wake up as early as 5 AM. After drinking a cup of tea, stretching, and reading for about 45 minutes, it’s time to do the hard work. By 9 AM, I’ve already finished my priority tasks, including e-mails, company organization, and most of my admin works. By mid-day, I talk with clients, co-workers, and employees. And by night, it’s family time. Before going to bed, I journal everything I’ve learned and write to-do tasks for the next day. This routine has kept me in control of my life and career for years.

How do you bring ideas to life?

“Be a doer not a dreamer” has been my mantra since I started my career. We all know someone full of dreams but not doing anything to achieve them, or perhaps, doing something but not efficient or consistent. What makes someone who actualizes his or her dreams from those who don’t is action. That’s how I make my ideas a reality. I take action.

What’s one trend that really excites you?

Crowd-sourced/funded projects that drive creativity and innovation. I find it fascinating that people can ask the public for help, i.e. Kickstarter, and so many people can get behind them, total strangers, and say “we believe in you.” It’s inspiring, and the financial support triggers action in the entrepreneur.

What is one habit of yours that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur?

Consistency. I have proven the power of consistency in my career, in everything I pursue, and in all areas of my life. It is too often that you see people with great ideas and good intentions that give up after just a few weeks. They start losing their passion and dedication. We have different reasons, I understand. But if you really want to succeed, you must persevere. You must be consistent.

What was the worst job you ever had and what did you learn from it?

Oh, where should I start? One of my first jobs was as a factory worker. It was a fast-paced workplace, where everyone needed to work to their fullest potential. Although monotonous, it helped me developed self-discipline, strong work ethic, and habits — habits that have helped me throughout my career.

If you were to start again, what would you do differently?

Saying NO to unimportant things. I used to be a YES person — always there to help, participate, and cooperate. I don’t feel bad about saying yes, but if it’s something not aligned with your goals, values, commitments, then better say no. It’s a waste of time and energy.

As an entrepreneur, what is the one thing you do over and over and recommend everyone else do?

It should be being proactive and not just being an optimist (though being an optimist is an admirable trait). I’m a big believer of optimism, but I don’t take it alone. I don’t usually rely on positive thinking – trusting that great things will happen. Instead, I make the positive a reality by working for it and fixing anticipated flaws immediately before it gets worse.

Also, don’t overthink. If you want to move fast, yet efficient, don’t overthink. It’s okay to make mistakes sometimes. That’s how we learn. And sometimes, it’s okay to delay and tweak that product because it’s not remarkable yet. The key is being aware if what you’re doing is efficient work or overthinking.

What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business? Please explain how.

I’ve proven the power of effective communication, which includes listening and using the right words. In a busy company, it’s easy to get lost in everything, especially when people don’t communicate well. What are the things need to get done? What is the main issue? Who did this awful presentation? Why? There’s a lot in the story, but to understand the whole situation, effective communication should be employed.

What is one failure you had as an entrepreneur, and how did you overcome it?

Chasing the wrong things. It took me years before I fully understand the difference between the things that matter and things that don’t have real value. When starting a business, I used to think that the whole point is gaining huge profit. Although we need positive cash-flow, it’s just one piece of the puzzle. It’s far more rewarding to create meaning and impact, rather than pursuing something solely for the sake of money. If it’s only about the money you’ll lose passion and productivity.

What is one business idea that you’re willing to give away to our readers?

Become a consultant. Of course, you can only do this after years of experience. Either way, pick an industry that you’re passionate about, grind at it, become an expert, then become a consultant. You’ll get premium pay, set your own hours, and be able to accept or decline who you prefer to work with.

What is the best $100 you recently spent? What and why?

Bought some children books and donated them to an children’s charity. Not only because I love kids, but I do believe in the power of reading. No one can argue how far anyone can go because of reading. As Dr. Seuss once said, “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

What software and web services do you use? What do you love about them?

Some of my favorites are Slack, Dropbox, Insightly, Mailchimp, and Google Docs. These tools have helped ease some of my management works. A huge help. Working in the cloud allows seamless access to the files that contribute to my productivity, regardless of my location or device.

What is the one book that you recommend our community should read and why?

There are lots of great books out there — be it business books, self-help, health, and of any interest. But if you want something that can shift your perspective 360 degrees, I recommend Julien Smith’s The Flinch. It’s a book that explains how to become aware of our fears and how to overcome them.

What people have influenced your thinking and might be of interest to others?

There are some great thinkers and inspiring leaders who have inspired me in different ways. For business, Seth Godin is a top influencer. For health and fitness, Jillian Michaels is everything. And for anything about life, Martha Beck is the go-to mentor.
Seth Godin:
Jillian Michaels:
Martha Beck:
