Alfredo Pino

Network Marketing Strategist

Alfredo Pino is a highly successful entrepreneur and business professional based out of Tampa Bay, Florida. As a network marketing strategist, Alfredo works alongside CEOs and various like-minded executives to help them expand their professional platforms. With years of industry-related experience, he provides a wide range of strategic solutions and is committed to helping his clients achieve optimal results. Alfredo Pino (Alfie) is also an avid spokesperson for cryptocurrency and other forms of decentralized assets. As an excellent speaker and presenter, he has made legions of fans through his presentations for multiple Blockchain Companies and their projects.

When he’s not working, he is spending time with his family, coaching his son’s hockey team, and supporting his daughter’s dance performances. His incredible work/life balance was achievable through his mastery of the crypto space and his “never say die” approach to entrepreneurialism.

Where did the idea for your career come from?

Cryptocurrency is the future, so I do my best to educate people on the many benefits of decentralized assets. I help individuals learn about the crypto and blockchain space. It is something that I am very passionate about and something I am determined to master.

What does your typical day look like and how do you make it productive?

I often have a lot of meetings and I do about ten to fifteen Zooms a day. Many of them are follow-ups and are important for my coaching. Also, if there is a company presentation going on, I’m usually the one that is running them.

I make sure I stay productive by incorporating my calendar into everything I do. I use and that allows people to go directly to my calendar, find an empty slot that suits them, and create an appointment with me. That’s really been majorly effective for me, a real game-changer. I can have a full schedule of meetings when it is convenient for the people I’m coaching, and it doesn’t interfere with my family time.

How do you bring ideas to life?

I illustrate ideas by demonstrating how they can be used in everyday life. I have a knack for showing everyone from individuals to corporations how an idea could be utilized by them every single day. I use the success stories of other people that I have met in the business that have helped them change their lives and led them to where they are now. That’s really motivational for a lot of people. Relating success stories to the people I’m talking to always puts a smile on my face and theirs. That requires the ability to get to know people, and to listen to them about what they want and what their goals are. That’s something I’m very good at doing, and it helps me make ideas relatable to those who are seeking to improve their lives.

What’s one trend that excites you?

The increasing uses of the blockchain space and the crypto space is very exciting. There are so many projects right now that are real world cases for cryptocurrencies, and blockchain use cases, like border control. There’s real estate that’s going to blockchain. Even voting is going on the blockchain, so your vote can never be manipulated or altered because it’s on the blockchain. It’s a space that excites me in new ways every day. It’s ever evolving. I love the challenge of keeping pace with it, and keeping on top of all the knowledge, both for myself and others that I’m helping.

What is one habit of yours that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur?

“The fortune is within the follow-up,” as they say, and it’s absolutely, 100 percent true. I always call people back, I always book a time with them, I always get them started off on the right path. Once they are comfortable with the information and they’re comfortable proceeding, I get them started with baby steps, following up with them and making sure they understand everything correctly. I’m definitely not shy about following up with people, and it shows in the results.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Keep that “never give up attitude” and stay focused on your dream. There are so many things that life throws at you, but if you can learn to stay the course and navigate through those tough times, regardless of the noise you hear from others, a lot of good will happen. You only have one chance in life to live it. I know I got this chance, because God gave us this life, so let’s live it. If I could tell my younger self that again, I would say do it. You want to go on that trip? Take it. There were so many things I would want to do more. I was just really cautious. I was always really concerned about the cost of things. But knowing what I know now, how you can make money in all kinds of different ways and you don’t need that J-O-B to do it, I would tell my younger self: Hey, listen, I know how you’re going to make money later in life and it’s going to be amazing. So don’t worry about it. Go see Italy, go see France, go around the world and while you’re young.

Tell us something that’s true that almost nobody agrees with you on.

Starting a home-based business is much easier than many people think. You may have to get out of your comfort zone, but there are those baby steps that you can take to find out how you can slowly start to adopt a home-based business to earn passive, residual income while you’re currently doing your 9-to-5. You can start doing just a couple of hours in a month, slowly dipping your toes in. If you start making some good residual passive income, then all of a sudden, it’s possible that your residual passive income could surpass your current income. People think it’s impossible but it’s something everyone should at least try.

As an entrepreneur, what is the one thing you do over and over and recommend everyone else do?

You have to listen to what someone is saying on the other side of the conversation. If you are really listening, you’ll often hear the answers that you’re looking for before you even ask the questions. You can anticipate where that person is going and you can ask the appropriate questions by having conversations where you are fully engaged. Also, one of the other things that is really helpful is when you can become what I call a “professional inviter.” The more people you invite to take a look at your material or presentation, the greater success you are going to have in growing your business. It’s an absolute must to invite people. Invite, invite, invite! If you’re not inviting people to take a look at what you have, or at least giving them an opportunity to take a look at what you have, then your success ratios are going to be a lot lower. So those are the two things: Engaging with people and actually listening to them when they’re in front of you, and inviting them to go see something so that you can have a discussion about what they saw.

What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business?

I do a lot of company presentations and it’s something that I really enjoy. I provide individuals with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions. For me, presentations have allowed me to establish a sense of trust with my clients. They are confident in my knowledge and skill set and aren’t afraid to approach me with questions.

What is one failure you had as an entrepreneur, and how did you overcome it?

Putting my work first and my family second. I became a workaholic. It made me sad because I was missing recitals and I was missing hockey because I always thought I needed to put the almighty dollar first. But that was totally wrong. The real answer was always right in front of me, and that’s the love and care and support that came from home. I completely changed that mindset by scheduling and sticking to good time management. I said to my wife, I am now going to start to volunteer as a prop dad for all my daughter’s recitals, so not only am I going to see her dancing, but I’ll be helping put all the props up on stage and be a part of helping. And then I’m going to coach my son’s hockey team, and I’ve been the assistant coach on my son’s hockey team ever since he started playing. My wife blocks out all our family time on the calendar, so no appointments are booked during that time. We’re working as a team and I haven’t been happier. It used to be really terrible. I would forget what grade my kids were in. This change of mindset had to happen, but you know what’s funny is I’m earning even more money now than I ever did before.

What is one business idea that you’re willing to give away to our readers?

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are really trending heavily right now, and you’d be shocked to see how much some of them are selling for. Non-fungible tokens are like digital art that is unique and rare. They can be bought and sold and I’d like to set up an eBay-type store for NFTs, something I would call Token Cradle, where people could buy and sell NFTs, know they’re authentic, know that they’re getting the best one, and they’re able to sell their own NFTs.

What is the best $100 you recently spent? What and why?

I went to Dave and Busters the other day and I bought my son and daughter $50 each in tokens so that they can go play the games. They had the biggest smiles on their faces.

What is one piece of software or a web service that helps you be productive?

Number one is Microsoft PowerPoint, and number two is Zoom. PowerPoint allows me to do my presentations to help people learn about the crypto space. Zoom is another, not only because it allows me to do my presentations on video, but it helps me communicate with people all over the world. It’s easy for me to set up Zoom calls and actually meet people face-to-face, which in this industry is much more conducive to success. I like to see people and get to know them. I like to make people laugh and smile in a live context and Zoom provides that.

What is the one book that you recommend our community should read and why?

The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason. I read it a long time, long time, ago. It gives you the ultimate secret to building wealth, and that is stability. It’s weird because some of the knowledge given in the book is still applicable today, despite it being written in the 1920s. So much has changed in the generations since, but the fundamentals and meaning of business is still much the same. It’s also optimistic in that the biggest lesson from the book is that a person can make mistakes, but as long as they really work hard and learn from all of their mistakes, they still have the chance to become wealthy.

What is your favorite quote?

I have two of them: “You never get a second chance to make a first impression,” and “You miss 100% of the opportunities you don’t take.” Those are my favorite quotes and they speak a lot to the things I look for in building success.

Key Learnings:

  • Put your family first and work second.
  • The best ideas are ones that have relevance to everyday life.
  • The act of listening provides answers to most of your questions.