Arndreya Price

Founder of LNO Greek

In a world where people decide who we are before we speak, our presentation is of the utmost importance.

Arndreya Price is recognized as one of the world’s most progressive and insightful lifestyle brand luminaries. Her mission to help people feel beautiful and value themselves is achieved through her highly sought-after black Greek apparel brand LNO Greek which has served thousands of customers and her exotic destination wellness retreats.

As someone who battled with body image issues since childhood Arndreya wants people to know they are beautiful and should feel beautiful in their clothes. Contrary to what society tells us beauty comes in various shades, shapes, and sizes.

Taking inspiration from the heritage of the Divine 9 historically black fraternities and sororities her hand-crafted garment collections for men and women embody an expression of timeless style. Because of this LNO Greek is the go-to attire for the highly successful fraternity and sorority members. While the wellness retreats give first-generation wealth creators an opportunity to travel in style and build high-value relationships.

Where did the idea for LNO Greek come from?

The drive towards stylish, versatile, quality paraphernalia began when I crossed the burning sandz in 2006. I’d waited for this moment most of my life and I was beyond elated! But my line had to wear BIG oversized sized men’s t-shirts that had no shape. As a collegiate neophyte I proudly repped that paraphernalia. However, that line t-shirt didn’t allow me to showcase my personality and style. My experience is not unique to me; others have had similar difficulty having to settle for subpar paraphernalia.

What does your typical day look like and how do you make it productive?

My typical day starts with my self-care routine. I start with my time with God and seek his guidance for my life, then I adamantly try to get all of my 10,000 steps in but I usually only get to about 8,500 doing my favorite dance and cardio workouts on YouTube. My day has to start with self-love and care or else I can’t be productive for myself or others around me.

Additionally, I make my day productive by doing my own version of time blocking. I say it’s my own version because I am not married to it but it provides guidance for me and if I need to make adjustments I do.

How do you bring ideas to life?

I share my idea with thought leaders in the field who have the expertise to help me get there quickly.

What’s one trend that excites you?

One trend that really excites me is people taking ownership of their own happiness and not just following the social norms of attending college, getting married, having babies, and then retiring. There is nothing wrong with that lifestyle if that is what you truly want but a lot of us (myself included) have followed the rules so long we don’t even know what excites us because we get lost in the midst of routine.

I recently broke the cycle by quitting my highly successful 6 figure career, which I didn’t love, to pursue my passion. It truly shocked my parents because I am the rule follower but ultimately they support my dream.

Choosing the best life for me has made me so much happier and I know it will do the same for you if you haven’t started already!

What is one habit of yours that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur?

One of the most important things is taking a look at your accomplishments. Sometimes we get caught up in where we want to be but we need to congratulate ourselves for making it this far and continuing our journey to success.

What advice would you give your younger self?

This too shall pass….I use to get hung up on issues and they would control my day. Now I am more solutions-oriented when problems arise. I do take one quick moment to get it off my chest (I am human) but I keep it quick and layout my strategy for success!

Tell us something that’s true that almost nobody agrees with you on.

I told you I am a former rule follower so answering this is a stretch for me. I’m going to go with silence isn’t always golden in the movies theaters…I can think of many scenes that need my commentary!

As an entrepreneur, what is the one thing you do over and over and recommend everyone else do?

Read your old journals and reflect on how you have grown mentally and spiritually. This practice will keep you level-headed if that imposter syndrome tries to creep in and take over your mind.

What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business?

The strategy is to understand the basics of all parts of your business but overall higher the expert. A lot of small business owners tend to do every job possible but that isn’t an efficient use of time nor is smart.

When I launched my business in October 2021, I was working my W2 gig and trying to save every dime that came my way. Therefore, I tried to do my own social media but it literally took me hours (I will not say how many because it is embarrassing) to come up with 1 post. That is why I have so few posts in the launch period of my business. Once I was mentally able to part with the money and hire a social media manager she freed up my time and more importantly generated more sales through social media.

What is one failure you had as an entrepreneur, and how did you overcome it?

Trying to skip the steps never works out favorably. One time I ordered some clothing without getting a sample because I wanted to offer my customers something new for the holiday season and I didn’t have enough time to order the sample and have it arrive for the holiday shopping season. My excitement from when I got the delivery notification and got to my package was short-lived. I opened the items and to my shock, they were too small and I obviously couldn’t use them. So now I have these items that can’t be sold. My advice is to set the plan and stick to the plan don’t take shortcuts.

What is one business idea that you’re willing to give away to our readers?

I said it already but I will say it again, taking care of yourself is the most important thing you can do. Your business will see better outcomes if you get proper sleep, workout, eat healthily and my personal favorite which is a bonus is going to the spa. A lot of Americans take self-care for granted but I am a huge fan of taking personal time.

Once a month I have a holiday called “Arndreya Day”, on this day I unplug for a few hours and take myself to the spa for a 2-hour massage and lunch. This allows me to refresh and reset my mind. So start (insert name) Day….trust me you won’t regret it!

What is the best $100 you recently spent? What and why?

The best $100 I recently spent was more than $100. But it was being able to actually pay a family member who helped my business. A lot of the time business owners just expect family to help but I felt pride in being able to pay for the services provided.

What is one piece of software or a web service that helps you be productive?

Trello is one of my favorite tools…I will admit although I am organized that is not who I am at heart. I am more like the ok I’ll get to it done if I remember type of person. However, with a business when money is involved I have to stay on top of what my team is working on executing to ensure we hit our targets.

What is the one book that you recommend our community should read and why?

Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, while it has its flaws, the principles outlined in this book were what really got me comfortable to take the leap of faith and leave my job. If you are on the fence about full-time entrepreneurship you should study this book and apply the principles to your life and see how successful you will be.

What is your favorite quote?

Philippians 4:13 “I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.”

I was a Biology major in college and this was an easy verse I could remember to keep me encouraged when school was really challenging.

Key Learnings:

  • Self-care and self-love are a must for every business owner.
  • Setting boundaries will make your life better.
  • Cheer yourself on no matter where you are on the journey.
  • Spend the money to make processes more effective and efficient.
  • Execute the plan you set.