Brian Teeter

Founder of TechSolutions Innovations

Brian Reid Harris Teeter stands out as an exceptional software developer and solopreneur who has made a significant impact in the software industry. His unwavering passion for technology and entrepreneurship has propelled him to establish a remarkable reputation, successfully managing his software business called ‘TechSolutions Innovations’ while maintaining a harmonious balance between his professional and personal lives.

As a devoted full-time developer, Brian has poured his skills and expertise into cultivating a thriving software enterprise. With a sharp eye for identifying market gaps and understanding the needs of customers, he has crafted innovative solutions that have garnered widespread recognition in the industry. Brian’s commitment to excellence and meticulous attention to detail have enabled him to create top-tier software products that cater to a diverse clientele.

By carefully selecting clients and projects, he has fostered a work environment that fosters creativity, flexibility, and utmost satisfaction. In addition to his entrepreneurial endeavors, Brian advocates for knowledge sharing and collaboration within the software community. He actively participates in conferences and forums, exchanging ideas and experiences with fellow developers. Brian’s unwavering dedication to personal growth has kept him at the forefront of industry trends, consistently delivering exceptional outcomes for his clients.

Through his relentless dedication, entrepreneurial spirit, and commitment to achieving work-life balance, Brian Reed Harris Teeter continues to thrive as a solopreneur, leaving an enduring impact on the software industry.

Outside of his professional pursuits, Brian Reid Harris Teeter leads a fulfilling personal life filled with love, joy, and meaningful connections. He enjoys a blissful marriage with his supportive wife, who stands by his side through the highs and lows of his entrepreneurial journey. Together, they nurture their three wonderful children with affection and care.

During his leisure time, Brian finds solace and inspiration by engaging in various hobbies that allow him to unwind and recharge. Whether he’s exploring the great outdoors with his dad, John Reid Harris-Teeter, playing musical instruments, or embarking on culinary adventures, he finds solace and draws inspiration from these activities, enriching his life beyond his successful career.

What is your typical day, and how do you make it productive?

I typically start my day at 8:30 to 9:00 AM and dedicate the first 2-3 hours to focused work without interruptions. During this time, I avoid checking my emails, using social media, or answering phone calls. Instead, I prioritize deep work tasks such as coding for existing or new products, writing blog articles and tutorials, or creating screencasts.

After a break, I engage in physical activities like walking the dog, jogging, or using roller skates before resuming work. I usually return to work between 2:00 – 3:00 PM and catch up with the team. During these catch-up sessions, we review customer support, marketing, and other related issues, such as Twitter, blogs, podcasts, and interviews.

My final task of the day is to prepare for the next day. I achieve this by jotting down the tasks to be completed, organizing them by priority, and finishing up any pending work. I usually conclude my workday by 6:00 p.m.

How do you bring ideas to life?

Consistency plays a vital role in my approach. When it comes to developing a new product, it typically takes around 6-9 months, and given the limited capacity, maintaining consistency is crucial.
Upon conceiving a new idea, I promptly document it and refrain from immediately delving into it. Instead, I allow several months to pass before revisiting my notes. If the idea still holds its allure, I embark on the planning phase:
What should the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) encompass?
What specific problems within the niche am I aiming to address?
What aspects should not be incorporated into the product?

During this phase, I actively engage with communities, seeking to immerse myself within them and gain comprehensive knowledge on the subject matter. This immersive process typically lasts for several months, around 2-3, enabling me to acquire a profound understanding of the problems at hand, the market dynamics, and insights into the typical customer profile. Only after this extensive learning phase do I proceed to writing a single line of code.

Once I have amassed sufficient information, I commence the development of an MVP, promptly involving beta testers from the community in the project. This allows for early feedback and enables iterative enhancements to the product. As we progress, we refine the product iteratively, ultimately culminating in the release of the first official version for the market.

Prior to the launch, I dedicated several weeks to preparing the website, documentation, and initial tutorials that effectively highlight how the product can resolve specific challenges faced by our customers. This meticulous preparation ensures a smooth and impactful introduction to the market.

What’s one trend that excites you?

While AI currently dominates the spotlight, I personally perceive significant potential in the Web3 arena.
The idea of decentralized data storage on a blockchain holds immense significance, but it is evident that the topic faces challenges in terms of marketing and widespread adoption.
Once the community successfully bridges the gap between existing Web3 concepts and their practical application in today’s web ecosystem, while also effectively communicating their value through specific use cases, we can expect a resurgence in this trend.

What is one habit that helps you be productive?

Crafting a morning routine that prioritizes meaningful tasks and accomplishes the most significant milestone of the day before tackling other responsibilities can be likened to possessing a superpower.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Persisting with projects for an extended duration and refraining from giving up prematurely are crucial. While it can be challenging to continue working on something that generates minimal or no revenue, it’s important to remember that worthwhile endeavors require time to flourish.

Rather than hastily abandoning a project, it is advisable to wait at least a year. This prolonged commitment allows sufficient opportunity for growth and development, as there is always the possibility that it could evolve into your next significant breakthrough.

Tell us something you believe that almost nobody agrees with you on?

Achieving business scalability is not dependent on having a team of employees.

It is entirely feasible to build a remarkable business independently. By expanding your network to include freelancers and leveraging the multitude of exceptional tools available, you can enhance your productivity significantly.

You may be pleasantly surprised by the extent to which you can progress and thrive as a sole proprietor.

What is the one thing you repeatedly do and recommend everyone else do?

Maintaining thorough documentation is paramount.

Creating comprehensive guides and tutorials for both yourself and your customers offers numerous advantages. It enhances your writing and communication skills, streamlines customer support processes, and equips you with ready-made solutions to challenges you have previously encountered.

Furthermore, this practice proves invaluable should you contemplate an exit strategy in the future. Having well-documented resources becomes a valuable asset for potential investors or buyers.

When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused, what do you do?

Engaging in physical activity provides significant benefits, but I find that immersing myself in nature is equally effective. The key element lies in the ability to switch contexts.

Switching from sports to being surrounded by nature proves to be highly valuable for me. This change in environment and focus is crucial for maintaining a balanced and rejuvenating experience.

What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business or advance in your career?

If I had to choose a single strategy, I would prioritize content creation. One of my most impactful decisions has been to write articles, create videos, and share my ideas with the world.

During the initial stages, I maintained a developer blog where I documented my learning while studying and working part-time in the development field.

This practice has remained ingrained in me over the years, and I continue to produce content on a weekly basis.

Mastering the art of effortless content writing alongside coding skills has proven to be a dependable strategy for establishing a sustainable online income.

What is one failure in your career,  how did you overcome it, and what lessons did you take away from it?

Years ago, I took my first real shot at running a business by launching my own agency. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a complete failure.

The primary mistake I made was scaling too early. Seeing others around me with a plethora of employees, flashy cars, and luxurious offices, I mistakenly believed that these were prerequisites for a successful company.

As a result, we eventually ran out of funds and were forced to shut down the agency. However, this failure provided invaluable lessons. It became clear to me that for my next entrepreneurial venture, I needed to adopt a bootstrapped approach, focusing on lean operations, and scaling in terms of employees only when necessary.

I also recognized the importance of having sufficient financial resources before starting a new endeavor. Having a financial cushion in place allows for a less stressful journey and provides the freedom to explore ideas before committing fully to one.

What is one business idea you’re willing to give away to our readers?

Explore the realm of self-hosted software and establish a maintenance business centered around it.

Allow me to provide a specific example: help desk software. While Helpscout is known for its reliability, it can become costly, especially for multiple users.

On the other hand, there exists FreeScout, an open-source alternative that can be self-hosted for free, with the option to incorporate paid add-ons.

Consider offering an installation and maintenance service for FreeScout. You can provide customers with installation on their servers for a one-time fee, along with a monthly maintenance plan that ensures the software remains up to date.

Act as the intermediary between your customers and the open-source community in terms of addressing feature suggestions and bug reports. Familiarize yourself with creating issues on GitHub and effectively communicating the outcomes to your clients.

It is not necessary for you to possess developer skills or undertake the task of building custom features or expanding the software’s capabilities. Your role primarily entails maintaining the system’s functionality, performing updates, and informing clients about any bugs or issues, including the expected resolutions (such as upcoming patches or available workarounds).

What is one piece of software that helps you be productive? How do you use it?

Trello has consistently proven to be my preferred tool, despite its occasional clunkiness. Its simplicity and minimal learning curve make it an ideal choice for me.

One of the standout features of Trello is its extensive range of add-ons, such as Slack, GitHub, Helpscout, and Zapier, which allow for substantial customization and integration.

In managing my entire business, I rely on Trello extensively. I maintain multiple boards dedicated to different aspects of my operations, such as development, content, marketing, and appointments.

By selecting a specific board, I can swiftly switch contexts and gain a comprehensive overview of pending tasks and overall progress. This enables me to make prompt adjustments to my roadmap based on the current status.

Do you have a favorite book or podcast you’ve gotten a ton of value from and why?

I have gained a wealth of knowledge from Arvid Kahl over the past few years through various mediums, including reading his books, listening to his podcasts, and benefiting from his consulting expertise.

Arvid’s insights have been instrumental in understanding the nuances of bootstrapping a business. His experiences as a successful bootstrapped founder are evident in the actionable advice he shares in each episode of his podcast, “The Bootstrapped Founder.”

Another influential resource is Sahil Lavingia’s book, “The Minimalist Entrepreneur.” Within its pages, Sahil recounts the story of Gumroad and how he managed to bootstrap it into the substantial business it is today, all without a single employee.

Sahil’s book has been transformative for me, as I have assimilated many of his ideas on running a successful business while maintaining a balanced and fulfilling life. It offers valuable insights into the minimalist approach to entrepreneurship and has provided me with practical strategies that I have incorporated into my own ventures.

What’s a movie or series you recently enjoyed and why?

I haven’t come across any notable resources or experiences recently. I apologize for not having any specific updates to share at the moment.

Key learnings

  • Achieving success does not necessarily require a team. Many individuals have accomplished great things independently.
  • Keeping detailed documentation of your journey is crucial. By recording your experiences, lessons learned, and progress, you can gain valuable insights and have a comprehensive resource to refer back to.
  • Content creation is a highly effective strategy for driving business growth. By consistently producing valuable and engaging content, you can attract and engage your target audience, build authority in your industry, and expand your reach. It serves as a powerful tool for establishing your brand, attracting customers, and nurturing relationships with your audience.