Donald Littlejohn

Always do the right thing. Avoid short term gain for long term pain.


With extensive professional experience, Dr. Donald Littlejohn has cultivated a highly successful chiropractic career, having served the community of Chester New York over the last thirty-four years.

With an unwavering commitment to providing top quality care. Dr. Donald Littlejohn graduated from New York Chiropractic College in Seneca Falls and established his own practice within a year. Some of his accolades include his presidency for the Hudson Valley New York State Chiropractic Association, where he also sat on the Board of Directors.

Despite no longer serving in a leadership position, Dr. Donald Littlejohn still remains an active member of his community and is committed to developing lasting relationships with his patients.

Where did the idea for your company come from?

I began my career as an educator, and although I enjoyed the academic environment, I found it restrictive, and was met with various professional limitations. I instead wished to be accountable for my own actions and have full control over my own business. I decided to make a career change and established a chiropractic clinic in Chester – an underserved community in New York. After leasing a space, I quickly outgrew my practice and within the first three years, I ended up purchasing a building that I still own today.

What does your typical day look like and how do you make it productive?

I typically work extended business hours, which can make my days very long. Most mornings I arrive at the office by nine and begin the day with a quick staff meeting to discuss our weekly objectives and establish professional goals. I believe that taking the time to organize my daily responsibilities enables me to remain productive throughout the week. Likewise, adhering to a set schedule allows me to set aside sufficient time for various administrative tasks.

How do you bring ideas to life?

It is important to be congruent about your ideals in life. For example, we receive a lot of feedback which highlights the caring and professional nature of our staff. And although it is important to construct a positive work environment, it is also a reflection of my everyday life. Taking the time to provide top quality care is fundamental to my business and helps establish an open and honest relationship with my patients.

What’s one trend that excites you?

Technological innovation fascinates me, and in the medical field I see extensive strides that are made in healthcare every day. Although I remain hesitant at the potential loss of privacy, I remain optimistic that these advancements will only improve our quality of life.

What is one habit of yours that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur?

I believe that organization fuels productivity and finding new ways to improve my practice is a continuous source of motivation. I find that working from a list allows me to determine both long- and short-term objectives and determine a comprehensive plan of action.

What advice would you give your younger self?

I’d tell younger Donald Littlejohn that establishing a successful business requires an extensive amount of time and commitment. As the oldest child with a lot to prove, I worked diligently to take advantage of every opportunity that came my way. I would likely tell younger Donald Littlejohn to relax a little along the way, but with given my personality it was always difficult for me.

Tell us something that’s true that almost nobody agrees with you on.

I think that a significant part of the healing process comes from within. When working with my patients I take the time to strategize effective long-term solutions and locate the source of their pain. As a chiropractor I work to establish proper nervous system function by altering the body’s biomechanics. However, I also believe that counseling and working to modify your mindset can help minimize future injuries.

As an entrepreneur, what is the one thing you do over and over and recommend everyone else do?

I think a lot of individuals overestimate their understanding of the financial aspect of running a business. I have seen a number of individuals who are undisciplined with their money and suffer financially. I think it is important to develop a detailed plan and seek guidance when it is required.

What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business?

One strategy that has benefited me throughout my professional career is consistency. Being consistent with my actions, words, and behavior helps me to build lasting and meaningful relationships with my clients – they get to know me and my behavior and expect me to remain consistent with my practice. I am so consistent that I have only changed my office hours once in my 34 years of practicing chiropractic treatments.

With consistency comes routine, and as we all know, routine ensures that a rigid schedule is kept. Consistency and routine are the major keys to my success, they work simultaneously to ensure I am able to exceed my client’s expectations and attend any obligation I have given my word to – after all, you are only as good as your word!

What is one failure you had as an entrepreneur, and how did you overcome it?

One strategy that has benefited me throughout my professional career is consistency. Being consistent with my actions, words, and behavior helps me to build lasting and meaningful relationships with my clients – they get to know me and my behavior and expect me to remain consistent with my practice. I am so consistent that I have only changed my office hours once in my 34 years of practicing chiropractic treatments.

With consistency comes routine, and as we all know, routine ensures that a rigid schedule is kept. Consistency and routine are the major keys to my success, they work simultaneously to ensure I am able to exceed my client’s expectations and attend any obligation I have given my word to – after all, you are only as good as your word!

What is one business idea that you’re willing to give away to our readers?

An idea I had a while back was to introduce a mobile chiropractic service. This idea would be best targeted at larger office buildings that would benefit from a monthly or bi-weekly visit from a doctor. The reasoning behind a larger office building being the target market is because you are able to visit several clients without losing valuable time due to travelling between visits. To take this idea one step further, to drive more revenue I would suggest the sale and installation of ergonomic office materials to the buildings you are visiting.

In order to execute the ideal mobile chiropractic office, you would have to find a way to keep your overhead low, hire and retain excellent employees, and have outstanding organizational skills.

What is the best $100 you recently spent? What and why?

I bought a new pair of hiking boots that I use to get my exercise. Physical activity is a major aspect of my personal life, I believe that I should practice what I preach and therefore I go hiking as often as possible. As an added bonus I feel at peace when I am out in nature, which gives me the opportunity to hit the reset button.

What is one piece of software or a web service that helps you be productive?

My electronic accounting system that I manage my entire office with. It organizes my electronic health records into a centralized location; it is an incredible time saver and it is very efficient.

What is the one book that you recommend our community should read and why?

Freakonomics by Stephen J. Dubner

Stephen J. Dubner was able to capture something as complex and meaningful as economics and breaks it down into a simple to understand English that resonates with the reader. Freakonomics is an exciting read that teaches you important lessons and opens your mind to unconventional thinking.

What is your favorite quote?

I have always felt a deep connection with the Jewish proverb: “I felt sorry for myself because I had no shoes until I saw a man who had no feet.”

This quote has continuously helped me remember that regardless of the situation, it could always be worse. It brings a positive spin to a negative situation.

Key Learnings:

● Always do the right thing. Avoid short term gain for long term pain.
● Your words and actions should always match.