Marcus Lamb

It’s critical to have a mental, emotional, and physical outlet that allows you to disconnect from the everyday busyness of life and relax.


Born in 1957, Marcus Lamb grew up in a faith-filled home in Macon, Georgia where he answered God’s call to share the Gospel with the world. After attending Lee University, he married Joni Trammell and the two would later travel to Israel where Marcus heard God whisper words that changed his life forever: “Go to Montgomery and build a Christian television station.”

On October 12, 1985, WMCF-TV “45 Alive” went on air in Montgomery, Alabama. At age 28, Marcus became the youngest person to ever build a full-power Christian television station in America. And as the years passed, God would whisper again – this time leading him to Dallas, Texas where the Daystar Television Network was born on December 31, 1997.

Today, Marcus is the founder and president of Daystar Television Network, which reaches over 109 million homes in the United States and over five billion people worldwide. Filled with unrelenting faith, he is still boldly answering God’s call to take the Gospel around the globe.

Where did the idea for your company come from?

Prayer, research, and careful consideration, Joni and I presented a list of names to a focus group that helped us narrow the field and move forward with confidence.

In the end, we chose “Daystar Television Network” based on a Bible verse from 2 Peter 1:19, which says, “We have the prophetic word made more sure; and you are doing well in paying attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until day dawns and a daystar rises, in your hearts.”

What does your typical day look like and how do you make it productive?

My day typically starts around 7:30 a.m. when I wake up and check texts, emails, and the latest news reports. Gathering information is one of the ways I stay informed about the world around me and the needs that exist, which means daily reading is essential!

Once I’ve had a chance to catch up, I slow down and shut off every distraction in order to spend a few quiet moments with my wife, Joni. Together, we pray and share what’s on our hearts before heading out the door to do our live program that’s seen around the globe on Daystar Television Network.

Following that, my afternoon is spent building relationships, making the everyday decisions of running a global network, and seeking new ways to reach the world with the Gospel. For me, productivity is measured by the steps I take toward fulfilling my God-given assignment, so I’m intentional about my time and make lists to ensure I’m making the most of every moment.

How do you bring ideas to life?

Some ideas are exceptional, while others should be eliminated. So when an important concept makes its way into my mind, I write it down and pray about it. God always sees the big picture, so He’s the perfect person to help me decide which ideas are winners and losers.

Once I get the green light to move forward with a particular concept, I assign a small group of experienced people with outside-the-box thinking to research ways to make it happen. With the help of their expertise and creativity, we work together to take life-changing initiatives from concept to completion.

What’s one trend that excites you?

Technology has made a big world much smaller, which makes my job much easier! With modern advances in media, Daystar Television Network is now reaching more people than ever before with the life-changing message of Christ and effectively fulfilling The Great Commission to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel.” (Mark 16:15)

What is one habit of yours that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur?

I’m in constant pursuit of new innovations and practical information. Inquisitive by nature, I spend time each day reading and researching ways to improve our efforts to reach the world with the message of Christ.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Take more time to rest and be refreshed by spending time with God. It’s critical to have a mental, emotional, and physical outlet that allows you to disconnect from the everyday busyness of life and relax. Even Jesus escaped to spend time alone with the Father and be renewed — and you should too!

Tell us something that’s true that almost nobody agrees with you on.

I’ve never been afraid to take the road less travelled, but I’ve also never had to walk it alone. God has always provided people who shared my vision to help me go the distance.

As an entrepreneur, what is the one thing you do over and over and recommend everyone else do?

Ask questions! As a child, I constantly wondered “why” and have never stopped. Over the years, it’s the uncertainties of life that have led me to seek answers, find innovative solutions, and discover my most certain purpose.

What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business?

Clear focus is key to growing a business. With success comes opportunities, but expanding your efforts by spreading yourself too thin can ultimately water down the outcome. So always keep the main thing, the main thing. It’s far better to be great at a few things than just “okay” at many.

What is one failure you had as an entrepreneur, and how did you overcome it?

In the early days, I trusted those who weren’t qualified for the work they were hired to do and learned a very valuable lesson in the process. Paying more for a few key people with great experience is a worthwhile investment in the future of any organization.

What is one business idea that you’re willing to give away to our readers?

The best business ideas are those that solve problems people are having or answer questions they’ve been asking. A dear friend of mine, Pastor Tommy Barnett, teaches: “Find a need and meet it, or find a hurt and heal it.” Create a business with those goals and it will be winner through every economic twist and turn!

What is the best $100 you recently spent? What and why?

I recently bought a used golf club and saved $200. More importantly, it works better than most of the newer models and has helped me hit great shots!

Playing golf is one of the ways I unwind, exercise, and enjoy time building relationships with others. God doesn’t need my exhaustion to accomplish His purposes, which makes any investment in my health and well-being priceless.

What is one piece of software or a web service that helps you be productive?

The smartest entrepreneurs are the ones who realize they aren’t smart enough to do it all. That’s why I surround myself with people who are highly skilled experts and can implement strategies that will multiply our efforts using the most advanced technology available.

What is the one book that you recommend our community should read and why?

Other than the Bible, The Five Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman is the most important book I’ve ever read. It’s helped me better understand and connect with my loved ones on a deeper level, which has blessed my life in indescribable ways!

What is your favorite quote?

Legendary NFL Head Coach and Hall of Famer, Vince Lombardi, is known for saying, “Winners never quit, and quitters never win.” I love that quote because it rings true in both life and business.

Sure, it’s risky to step out in faith and see what unfolds. Sometimes you’ll fall. But never let your failures have the final say!

Use the obstacles of today to fuel the opportunities of tomorrow, and don’t ever give up. Be the one brave enough to face the disappointments and still finish strong!

Key Learnings:

• Put your plans for the future securely in God’s hands
• Ask questions and don’t be afraid of the unknown
• Surround yourself with skilled people who share your vision
• Schedule regular time to rest, reflect, and be renewed
• Never give up and you’ll one day reap the rewards of a job well done
