Mike Schadt

Founder of SOS Ministries

Mike Schadt is an incredible man of faith and action. As a minister and the founder of SOS Ministries, he uses his passion for Jesus to help those in need around the world. SOS Ministries provides clean sources of water to villages that desperately need it, as well as spreading the word of God to many who have never heard it before. Mike Schadt’s mission is truly inspiring; his work has changed countless lives and continues to bring light into dark places. With SOS Ministries, Mike Schadt is making a real difference in our world today. Through his organization, he is showing many the power of faith and the strength that comes with believing in Jesus. Whether it’s providing clean water or spreading God’s word, Mike Schadt is on a mission to help those who have been forgotten by society. Mike Schadt’s passion, courage, and strong faith are changing the world through SOS Ministries. His contributions cannot be overstated; Mike is making a real difference for those who need assistance most. No matter what you personally believe, it’s undeniable that his work has positively impacted countless individuals across the globe, truly transforming lives one by one.

Where did the idea for SOS Ministries come from?

The idea for SOS Ministries was inspired by the passion Jesus poured into me. The passion of Jesus is seen best in His statement, “It’s not the healthy who need a doctor but those who are sick” (Matthew 9:12). I have always been driven by the faith God has given me and a strong desire to use it to make a positive difference in the world. I was inspired to create SOS Ministries as I am a father of three myself and saw the opportunity to give others the needed support. I recognized the great need for clean water in villages around the world, as well as the many people who had never even heard of Jesus or experienced His love. SOS Ministries was formed out of a strong desire for those who are “without hope and without God in this world” (Ephesians 2:12). Helping those who are forgotten by society and sharing God’s Word with them so they can have true transformation and hope is the foundational birth statement of SOS. In this way and by the grace of God, SOS Ministries has become an incredible source of light, sustainability, love, and faith across multiple continents around the globe.

What does your typical day look like and how do you make it productive?

A typical day for me starts with praying and opening the Word of God so that my day will be centered on Jesus Christ. The power of prayer and reading and meditation of the Bible cannot be understated. I then use the platform of SOS Ministries to map out a plan of action that includes setting goals and objectives for the day. I am forever indebted to the board of directors, as they work with me to follow through on tasks such as outreach efforts to villages in need, indigenous leaders in need of discipleship, the need for Bible studies in areas that have new converts, organizing projects that bring clean water sources to those villages, fundraising initiatives, administrative responsibilities like managing budgets or filing reports, networking activities like attending conferences or meetings with donors and supporters, and providing online resources such as webinars or blog articles related to spreading God’s word around the world. All the while setting aside time to continue to pray and study God’s word so I can be sure that my work remains true both spiritually and practical. Every day I’m devoted to Jesus’ mission of aiding others in His name through SOS Ministries, despite the difficulties that might arise. Often my day ends with spending time with my wife, daughter and connecting with my two sons and their families, especially the four gorgeous grandchildren they have provided me. It is a highlight of my day to talk and connect with them. As a result, every single day is another opportunity for me to encourage and pour into the lives of those I love the most.

How do you bring ideas to life?

At SOS Ministries, the Lord’s teachings come to life by engaging in His divine Word, heeding its wisdom and instruction, and earnestly putting into action what He teaches me. “Practice what you preach” is still a meaningful proverb. The heart of SOS Ministries is rooted in the belief that Jesus’ mission was one of service and love, so it’s my privilege to ensure that our work transcends mere human efforts. I’m able to manifest ideas into action through prayerful discernment, acts of faith, and engaging conversations with like-minded individuals who have a shared desire for ministering and empowering communities around the world. We then need to take steps towards addressing and resolving real problems within those communities. All in all, the Lord has allowed SOS Ministries to exist as a beacon for love and light because we endeavor to put our trust in Jesus Christ above all else, therefore making sure every idea starts off right at the source before materializing into tangible results.

What’s one trend that excites you?

One trend that excites me is a church being planted where there was never an existing believer in Jesus, let alone a church of any kind. Through SOS Ministries it truly excites me to see people come to faith in Jesus Christ, gather to worship the one true God, and then see them put into practice all that they have learned and now believe. Another trend that excites me is to see others engage around the world in the same desire to see a new church established where there was never one.

What is one habit of yours that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur?

One habit of mine that makes me more productive as an entrepreneur is setting aside dedicated time at the beginning of every day to study and meditate on the word of God. And then I pray…pray hard, pray often, and pray by faith that SOS Ministries will succeed in its mission. I then think through any potential challenges or obstacles, work hand-in-hand with my colleagues, and consider how we can best use the resources available to us in order to achieve SOS Ministries’ goals. This practice of habit helps me remain focused on the mission, which in turn makes me more effective and efficient as an entrepreneur. It also serves as a reminder for me to depend more on Jesus before making any decisions or taking action; this is essential for SOS Ministries as it keeps us grounded in our values and purpose, allowing us to share the kindness of God in everything we do.
Highlighting the significance of communing and depending on God through prayer and reading His Word, I strive to obey His teachings. This helps me achieve a spirit of humility and service that continually renews my commitment to SOS Ministries’ mission, which then enables us to better serve those in need.

What advice would you give your younger self?

My advice to my younger self would be to never give up, no matter how hard the journey might seem. I would encourage myself to focus on the work God has placed in front of me, trusting that it will bring about great things for God’s glory and for those we serve. I would remind myself to take things one step at a time, recognizing that each difficult situation brings with it an opportunity for learning and growth. Additionally, I would advise myself to keep Jesus at the center of all my decisions and actions, trusting that He will guide me in the right direction even when things appear uncertain.
I’ve realized that praying and reading Scripture is critical for God’s purpose for SOS Ministries. It allows us to continue doing what we do out of a place of love and service, while staying away from being self-centered. I’ve come to understand that by relying on God’s promises and being obedient to His leadership, SOS Ministries will continue thriving as long as we remain focused on our mission—to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to those who have never heard it while focusing on the incredible physical needs of impoverished people.

Tell us something that’s true that almost nobody agrees with you on.

I think almost nobody would agree with me on this, but I strongly believe that SOS Ministries’ mission—to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to those who have never heard it while focusing on the incredible physical needs of impoverished people—is the most important work anyone can do. Everyone has different paths to follow in life, but at SOS Ministries, we are striving to make a real difference in people’s lives by showing them God’s love and His divine plan for those who believe and follow Him. It may be an unpopular opinion, but it really is true: if everyone believed what Jesus did by laying His life down for mankind, and then obeying and following His teachings, the relationships we have would change the course of this world for the better, by far!

As an entrepreneur, what is the one thing you do over and over and recommend everyone else do?

As an entrepreneur with SOS Ministries, the one thing I do over and over and recommend everyone else do is keep Jesus at the center of all their decisions and actions. This means taking time out of each day to pray and read Scripture in order to obey and discern what God’s purpose is for SOS Ministries. This will help ensure our mission is always carried forward from a place of love and service. Being obedient to His lordship allows us to continue doing what we do out of genuine faith, as it helps us stay inspired by His promises even during difficult times. Ultimately, understanding, believing and following Jesus’ teachings can help unlock the greater potential that goes beyond just business success; it can also bring about real transformation in the world!

What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business?

One strategy that has helped me grow SOS Ministries is living out Jesus’ teachings and placing Him at the center of all my decisions and actions. These are not just concepts and repetitive words that I’m using over and over… this really works! By the grace of God, this is really what has sustained SOS Ministries for 23 years! By connecting with God through prayer, reading His Word, and trusting His promises, I’m better able to stay focused on SOS Ministries’ mission of spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ to those who have never heard it while focusing on the incredible physical needs of impoverished people. This helps me maintain a spirit of humility and service that leads SOS Ministries forward, which then allows us to better meet our goals while serving others.

What is one failure you had as an entrepreneur, and how did you overcome it?

When I was first starting SOS Ministries, one of my biggest mistakes was not heeding the counsel of a godly man. Even though I thought I was striving well in the young mission, I would have done well to slow down and listen to what this godly man had to say. Through that experience it taught me that being humble and remembering that “the counsel of many is wise” can truly benefit not just myself but anyone who desires to be a successful entrepreneur. I have found myself today being very careful not to make the same mistake I did when I was younger. So as a result of seeking the guidance and counsel of many I have seen a great improvement in SOS Ministries and my personal life.

What is one business idea that you’re willing to give away to our readers?

My business idea is to create a platform where SOS Ministries, or any organization inspired by the belief and followed teachings of Jesus can connect with people who are looking to make a difference in the world. Through this platform, SOS Ministries could help equip and mentor entrepreneurs on their journey as they strive to use their gifts and talents to spread Jesus’ love while solving real-world needs. With proper guidance, they would have an opportunity to learn how they can achieve greater growth while making an impact on the lives of those around them. The goal of this platform would be to encourage and help more people who want to believe and follow Jesus’ teachings and make a real difference in our world!

What is the best $100 you recently spent? What and why?

The best $100 I recently spent was on my anniversary dinner with my wife, Sandy, of 31 years. From the beginning, it was actually Sandy and myself who had the vision of starting SOS Ministries. After God had birthed the vision in her and I, we brought in a number of Godly men and became a non profit organization, allowing us to be the SOS Ministries we are today. I have much affection, love and appreciation for my bride after all of these years. I can honestly say that I love her more now than when we were first married.

What is one piece of software or a web service that helps you be productive?

I use the Olive Tree Bible app to help me not only understand and follow the teachings of Jesus but also helps me dive into the original languages that the Bible was written in. I would highly recommend this to both young and mature Christians alike who desire to mature in their walk with Jesus Christ because it has helped me immensely in my maturity as a Christian. A great feature of The Olive Tree Bible app is that it can be used where there is no access to cellular data as I often travel to places without internet access.

What is the one book that you recommend our community should read and why?

The Bible is the book I recommend our community read. It’s the ultimate guide of how to seek after God with all of our hearts, soul, mind and strength. Through its teachings, readers can truly gain an understanding of their need for a Savior as we often live in a culture that is otherwise extremely selfish. In the Bible the insight into Jesus’ message of grace, mercy and forgiveness, will give the reader an incredible peace that surpasses all understanding. We could all benefit from this so that we can stay focused on the word of God rather than what is easy and convenient in this world. The Bible is all of this and then some —one that has changed the trajectory of my heart, my life, my dreams, and my desires for God’s glory!

What is your favorite quote?

My favorite quote comes from Romans 5:8: “God demonstrated his own love to us that while we were sinners it was then Christ died for us.” This one incredible truth is what the Lord used to change the course of my life. The fact that God would demonstrate and show his love to those of us who do not deserve it by sending his own son to die on our behalf is so profound — that it is the premise and foundation of the story of my life and the history of SOS Ministries.

Key Learnings:

  • The main mission of SOS Ministries is to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to those who have never heard.
  • SOS Ministries focuses on helping impoverished people by providing water wells, education and medical attention to adults and children in need.
  • The message of Jesus Christ changed the founder of SOS Ministries, Mike Schadt’s life forever. And it can change your life too. After 23 years of service, SOS Ministries is not only surviving, we’re thriving!