Nurney Hurdle

Make better use of your time…write down my goals and set a business plan to strategize a plan of action.


Never give up, never give in is the signature tune that follows Nurney Hurdle Jr., a writer and artist in pursuit of his dreams. His life has led him in many different directions before it brought him right back home to his love and passion for writing and creating.

Nurney Hurdle Jr. began pursuing his dream of becoming a writer when he attended Fiorello LaGuardia High School, which specializes in the training of students in music and the performing arts. He graduated with talents in music and math. He went on to attend Long Island University with a major in Accounting. After graduation, his parents discouraged his interest in rap as a profession. They convinced him that a life as an accountant would be a more prudent choice as a source of income. He followed his parent’s advice and began working as a tax preparer. He also worked as an accountant for several small businesses. But, the passion of his youth burned deep in his soul and has never stopped pumping the beat of his heart.

Nurney kept pages and pages of rhymes and poetry. He had a love for performing. He would make presentations at various venues. He developed a vivid imagination in his art. During this time, Nurney Hurdle Jr. joined a group named The Outlaw Group MCS. He wrote the lyrics to a song titled “Million Dollar Legs”. The song was recorded by the group and it sold overseas. It was promoted by a person trusted by the group. The promotions for the song ended there.

Nurney is an entrepreneur with his own business, but in his true soul is the passion of a writer. He has written three books. One of the books “Baby Boy the Killer” has been written into a script. He is currently researching production companies for his script. His other two books are titled “Comradery” and “Daddy’s Home”. The books will be made available to the public through Angelion Works LLC.

Nurney Hurdle Jr. was invited to a musical session with the CWE group. Nurney began to write lyrics as he listened to their soundtrack. The group was so impressed with his lyrics that the group invited him to become a part of their writing team. His lifelong passion for writing, whether it be writing books, lyrics, and songs, is now successfully elevating his life.

Where did the idea for your company come from?

The name Angelion Works came from a combination of two thoughts. It is a name that I gave to a special friend which is Angel. Then, I used a lion from my zodiac sign of Leo. Angelion Works LLC is the entity where I chose to document all of my literary works.

What does your typical day look like and how do you make it productive?

If I have it my way, I will spend all of my time writing books and screenplays. I am developing a portfolio that will provide a passive income. I will be bringing my work to a public platform.

How do you bring ideas to life?

I bring my ideas to life by documenting all of my thoughts. I share them with others as well. I realize the power of my words through others who have read my work. Those same people gave me the motivation to make my work public.

What’s one trend that excites you?

One trend that excites me is that it is much easier to get your work out to the public via the internet, through the touch of a button.

What is one habit of yours that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur?

What makes me more productive is by keeping in touch with the youth around me. It gives me access to technologies that will work best for me. We have such easy access to information because of the internet. Trends come and go at a much faster pace than before, but that is why I believe that some trends will remain. People need to feel connected and to identify with certain things to slow the merry-go-round.

What advice would you give your younger self?

As I look back at things in time, space, and existence, I would only wish to tell myself to make better use of my time. For example, I would take the time to write down my goals and set a business plan to strategize a plan of action.

Tell us something that’s true that almost nobody agrees with you on.

Most people argue with me about the “person” they believe in. I believe in a higher power, but who is to say who is right or who is wrong. I don’t challenge anyone. But, I am always challenged. I believe that if you have pure thoughts, then pure actions will follow. As a result, it is what you will contribute to the universe. Love will always conquer hate. We all have to begin to think differently. If we all love each other’s children, then love will spread throughout. That is the most important feeling to put out in the universe.

As an entrepreneur, what is the one thing you do over and over and recommend everyone else do?

I love what I do. I believe if we shared our thoughts and creations with one another, we would lessen the gap of misunderstanding between us all. So, I will keep writing. I would recommend we all do the same.

What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business?

One of the strategies that I use to grow my business is to continually search for outlets. There is always information we can use to unlock the next door to a more successful business.

What is one failure you had as an entrepreneur, and how did you overcome it?

One failure I’ve had as an entrepreneur is procrastination. It is something that challenges me every day. I always believe there is a better way to spend my time. I learned to schedule a time to complete specific goals. I try very hard to stick to the plan.

What is one business idea that you’re willing to give away to our readers?

I would tell someone to create an online test to be given to people who have not found their passion in life. At the end of the test, it should guide them through the creation of their personal business plan to set goals and turn that passion into a reality.

What is the best $100 you recently spent? What and why?

The best hundred dollars I’ve spent was purchasing vitamins. I believe the vitamins help to energize me along with diet and exercise. It helps me to be more creative with my writings.

What is one piece of software or a web service that helps you be productive?

I use a transcription service. When I write, it is all by hand. I am not computer literate. The most technology that I use on a regular basis is my phone to schedule appointments.

What is the one book that you recommend our community should read and why?

One book I would recommend is “The New Jim Crow” by Michelle Alexander.

What is your favorite quote?

“It is not where you came from, it is where you are going”. I use this as a reminder not to give up on anything that I strive for.

Key Learnings:

  • If we share our thoughts and creations with one another, we would lessen the gap of misunderstanding between us all.
  • I believe that if you have pure thoughts, then pure actions will follow.
  • People need to feel connected and to identify with certain things to slow the merry-go-round.
