Brent Porges


Brent Morgan Porges is an influential private activist investor, renowned for integrating financial acumen with a strong commitment to social and environmental causes. Born on January 19, 1978, in Lido Beach, NY, he is a graduate of The Waldorf School of Garden City and Long Beach High School. Porges is recognized for strategically investing in companies that demonstrate sustainable and ethical practices, aligning his professional endeavors with his personal values. Drawing inspiration from his brother Keith’s achievements in the Special Olympics, he champions inclusivity and perseverance. Outside of investing, Porges enjoys travel, golf, yoga, and meditation, maintaining a balanced lifestyle. He actively supports the Special Olympics and animal welfare initiatives, particularly through the ASPCA, emphasizing his dedication to making a tangible impact on the world.

What is your typical day, and how do you make it productive?

Physical activity helps clear my mind and sets a positive tone for the day. I then review my investment portfolio and the latest market news over breakfast. Most of my day is dedicated to meetings, evaluating potential investments, and staying in touch with ongoing projects. I maintain productivity by adhering to a strict schedule, yet I remain flexible enough to handle unexpected challenges or opportunities as they arise.

How do you bring ideas to life?

It starts with conducting thorough research and engaging with experts in the field. I then discuss these ideas with a circle of trusted colleagues and advisors to refine them further. Finally, we draft a detailed plan and take decisive steps to implement it, always staying open to adjustments based on feedback and evolving circumstances.

What’s one trend that excites you?

I’m particularly excited by the trend towards sustainability in investing. Seeing companies, investors, and consumers moving towards environmentally friendly and socially responsible practices confirms my belief in the potential for ethical investments to generate both financial return and positive societal impact.

What is one habit that helps you be productive?

Daily meditation is crucial for my productivity. It centers me, enhances my focus, and provides the clarity needed to make informed decisions throughout the day.

What advice would you give your younger self?

I would advise my younger self to worry less about conventional paths to success and focus more on following passions. Trusting in your unique journey can lead to fulfilling and impactful outcomes.

Tell us something you believe almost nobody agrees with you.

I believe that in the future, the majority of investments will be evaluated based on their social and environmental impact, not just their financial return. While some may see this as overly optimistic, I am convinced that this shift is inevitable and necessary.

What is the one thing you repeatedly do and recommend everyone else do?

Regularly reflect on your values and assess whether your work and investments align with them. This practice helps ensure that you are not only successful but also true to your principles.

When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused, what do you do?

I take a walk, preferably in nature. It’s a simple but effective way to clear my mind and regain focus.

What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business or advance in your career?

Building genuine relationships within the industry. Networking with a focus on mutual growth and support rather than just personal gain has opened many doors and created numerous opportunities.

What is one failure in your career, how did you overcome it, and what lessons did you take away from it?

I made an investment that was more financially driven rather than aligned with my values. It did not work out as planned, teaching me the importance of aligning my investments with my ethical standards. This experience has guided my investment strategy ever since.

What is one business idea you’re willing to give away to our readers?

An online platform that connects impact-driven startups with socially responsible investors. This platform would facilitate funding for projects that are making a tangible difference, fostering a community of innovation and collaboration.

What is one piece of software that helps you be productive? How do you use it?

A robust project management tool is indispensable for organizing and prioritizing my tasks and projects. It allows me to track progress, set deadlines, and ensure efficient communication across teams, keeping everything transparent and on schedule.

What is the best $100 you recently spent?

The best $100 I recently spent was on a meditation app subscription for myself and my team. It has significantly enhanced our collective focus and stress management, proving invaluable for both personal well-being and professional productivity.

Do you have a favorite book or podcast from which you’ve received much value?

“Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind” by Yuval Noah Harari has been incredibly influential. It offers profound insights into our past, which in turn helps inform better decisions about our future, particularly from a sustainability perspective.

What’s a movie or series you recently enjoyed and why?

I recently enjoyed the documentary series “Our Planet”. It beautifully illustrates the complexity and fragility of our natural world and reinforces the urgency of our responsibility to protect it. This aligns deeply with my personal and professional values, emphasizing the importance of sustainable practices.