Five Questions with Kimberly Deas

Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Kimberly Deas. I am a marketing strategist that specializes in identifying and leveraging market gaps so that my clients can increase market share, grow revenue and get the highest ROI possible.

How do you bring ideas to life?

I think the key to bringing an idea to life is to understand the need first. What problem or challenge does this idea solve? There are many great ideas that go nowhere because they don’t solve a need or address a problem. When you can identify the real cause or the underlying pain of a problem, and the idea aligns with the requirements of the market or client, then bringing the idea to life becomes almost second nature. There is excitement, people to what you have and enthusiasm is the extra 10% that makes it all possible. I also find that taking the time to refine the idea and truly develop it before trying to “bring it to life” often can determine the success or failure of a great idea.

What is the one book that you recommend our community should read and why?

My favorite book that I use as the basis for so many projects is [amazon_link id=”006124189X” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Psychology of Influence[/amazon_link] by Robert Cialdini. Robert broke down the 6 ways to influence groups and individuals. Often in order to get an idea approved and implemented, you need to influence many people – from bankers to business owners and from prospects to spouses. Understanding how to influence is critical when it comes to selling an idea.

What is one piece of advice that you’d like to give?

Although an idea might sound great to you, take the time to find out if that idea works for your targeted recipient. There are many great ideas that fall flat. Ask your target market if it is something they want, find out how they want it, ask why they want and above all, if your idea is a product, find out what they might pay for it. If they say they won’t pay for it, reconsider how you will monetize the idea.

What is one idea that you’re going to bring to life in 2012?

My online marketing software for small business,, is in beta testing and in 2012 we are planning a grand launch party. We are excited to finally launch a marketing tool that helps small businesses implement effective marketing strategies. With over 170 marketing tactics, including postcards, radio ads, press releases and even Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn components, it will be an exciting year for us.