Akintayo Emmanuel

Be mindful and cautious of who you walk with, who you call a friend, who you look to as a person of influence.


Dr. Akintayo Emmanuel is the overseer of God’s Remnant Assembly and President of Hear the Lord Ministries. By the special grace of God, He is the founder of Salvation and Praise Campus Church, GRA Mission Squad, G42 Global Reformers, and The Bridge. He is a well rounded ordained and anointed minister of the gospel, who is also a geneticist, prolific writer, mentor, oratorical speaker, and humanitarian. Dr. Akintayo Emmanuel is a father to many according to 1 Corinthians 4:15. Many of his books are a blessing to believers across the globe. His writing teaches the basis of having a foundation in Jesus Christ, how to walk with God, how to access God’s plan for your life while reiterating God’s purpose for man on earth, successful relationships and strategic warfare prayer. Dr. Akintayo Emmanuel and his wife; Pastor Sarah Emmanuel tirelessly helps families across the globe, providing them with basic welfare and empowering them to achieve all-around success through their charity organization. Dr. Akintayo Emmanuel’s success is derived from impacting the lives of others, for he believes that everyone can be an asset to their families, communities, and generations.

Where did the idea for your company come from?

The name God’s Remnant Assembly is a revelation that God gave me directly from the Word of God. The Lord revealed to me in the ninety’s that he has reserved for himself a Remnant in these last days. These are the people that he can depend on to preach the uncompromising word of God. The word Remnant comes from Isaiah 1:9, which says, “Except the Lord of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we would have been like Sodom…”There are a people whom God has reserved for himself in these last days to fervently do the will of God and these people are from every race and culture. Lastly, Assembly is the gathering together of God’s people, the remnants. God is looking for a people who will answer that call to serve God wholeheartedly rather than doing what the world is doing. In a time where many people have forgotten God and live a life of self, God is looking for a remnant to carry on the task He has assigned to us for the benefits of this generation and generations to come.

What does your typical day look like and how do you make it productive?

As a servant leader, I have a dynamic schedule because of the nature of what I do; my day-to-day life activities also vary depending on where I am in the nations. One thing remains constant, which is seeking of God’s face every morning interceding for nations, families, and the church of God. Oftentimes, I travel to several nations within a week for a speaking engagement. I’ve had people trying to reach me asking, “where are you now on the face of the earth?” On other days, I do research, write books or publications, and also collaborate with other mission organization for mission training. Additionally, I coordinate humanitarian and community outreach programs both in and outside of the United States. Before the day ends, I make it a must to impact someone’s life either through the word of God, giving and being a blessing to people, or just being there for them. I consider myself to be someone who is an added value to the lives of others.

How do you bring ideas to life?

When God speaks to me regarding His plan it is already in effect but how I execute it is all based off God’s direction. Like a tourist relying on a GPS for every left or right turn; that is how I depend on God regarding His plan. With God’s instructions, wisdom and also prayers accordingly I’m able to carry out such ideas and See God help bring the same into fruition.

What’s one trend that excites you?

One trend that excites me is seeing people from different walks of lives liberated from sin and destruction, achieving their God given dreams and goals. I am also excited when I see many broken families come back together.

What is one habit of yours that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur?

I am a go-getter. I do not believe that there is nothing that is unachievable, if there is a will and desire to accomplish it. I go beyond what is perceived to be a limitation to others because I cannot take “no” as the final answer and rejection is just another opportunity for an open door and idea. If I really want something done, I will get it done especially those things that are instructed to me by the Lord. There are obstacles in life; we are called to overcome them through enforcement because Jesus already overcame them for us. It is not a sin to be challenged but it is unscriptural to be defeated

What advice would you give your younger self?

Serve God in the days of your youth! Be mindful and cautious of who you walk with, who you call a friend, who you look to as a person of influence. People are not always who they say they are. While you focus on God, pay attention to people’s actions as much as you pay attention to their words knowing that for whatever you do in the days of your youth, God will bring into judgment either good or bad.

Tell us something that’s true that almost nobody agrees with you on.

Making the very most of your time and taking advantage of every opportunity using it with the wisdom of giving yourself 100% to God. Not putting anyone or anything before God. That’s definitely something that’s true but not everyone agrees with me on. The bible says, in Mark 10:28 “Then Peter began to say unto them, Lo, we have left all, and have followed thee.” Leaving everything for God is something required for us to do but not done by everyone. Anything or anyone you put before God is your idol. According to Matthew 6:33 and I quote, “But first and mostly importantly seek or strive after His kingdom and His righteousness. Additionally, John 12: 25 (KJV) says, He that loveth his life shall lose it: and he that hatheth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.”

As an entrepreneur, what is the one thing you do over and over and recommend everyone else do?

As simple as it may sound, planning is key to my success as an entrepreneur. My schedule is usually planned out 12 months ahead and then a week before each month ends, I make additions to my schedule if necessary. This is something I have been doing for years now, and it has led me to be consistent in all of my endeavors. This consistency has enabled me to be disciplined whereby it is impossible for me to just sit down and be lackadaisical and procrastinate since I already know what my next plan is. This skill is imperative for entrepreneurs who want to be successful and also be mindful that success cannot be accomplished without a solid partnership with God the Holy Spirit, the only wise one. When you walk with the wise, you will be wise.

What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business?

One strategy that has helped my profession to be successful is first of all understanding that whatever skills or achievements I have acquired is only because of the grace of God. The bible says in 1 Samuel 2:7, “The Lord maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up.” It is only by God’s unmerited favor. It is his original design that I am able to do all that I do. I acknowledge God by praying and worshipping Him consistently. Dedicating my time and my life to Him, proving to God that He can trust me with His people. I totally dedicate myself to accomplishing the goal set before me with keeping the faith, being persistent, being courageous and working hard towards the goal. When you have a goal, it is important to never let anyone or anything break that goal and also be aware that, “I am what I am by the grace of God.” (1 Cor. 15: 10)

What is one failure you had as an entrepreneur, and how did you overcome it?

As I mentioned earlier people are not always whom they say they are. In any profession, it’s very important to know the people you are working with. One failure that I overcame quickly is being mindful of the people I invested my time on or spends my time with. I had to understand by experience that not everyone shares the same passion as me and not to totally depend on people because they are only with you as long as the benefits last.

What is one business idea that you’re willing to give away to our readers?

One business idea I would give to readers is to be creative. Look for what everyone is eagerly looking for and produce it, and this cuts across every fields of life. With such creativity you will not be looking for money, rather money will be looking for you. It could be innovations like education, transportation, housing, food, or clothing etc.
Create a mobile application that will help college students achieve goals. The application will connect professors and students in each class. Professors can post assignments that the application will automatically sync it to your calendar. When an assignment has been graded, it will be posted in your gradebook. The gradebook will have a set goal of 80% or higher and will show you where each test has landed a student.

What is the best $100 you recently spent? What and why?

The best $100 I recently spent was during a mission outreach. We went to a village and my $100 was able to afford food, detergent, and toiletries for a whole village. Imagine an entre city coming together in one area; that’s how it was when we went to this particular village. Typically, $100 in America can barely feed a small family for several days, but $100 in another country was able to provide food for a village. To me, that was a $100 well spent.

What is one piece of software or a web service that helps you be productive? How do you use it?

One piece of software that helps me be productive is my mobile scheduling application, AppointmentPlus. It allows me to organize all of my appointments and events. I plug in meetings or even the things I have to do and it sends me a reminder of when I have a task or an event to attend to.

What is the one book that you recommend our community should read and why?

Our community should read one of the prayer books, which I have written or any Christian prayer book. It’s high time we need to cry out to God both individually and collectively to rescue us from all the atrocities that keep reoccurring in our societies today. There is so turmoil and iniquity in the land. It is truly only God who can save us from all these mishaps. The world is getting dimmer; parents are killing children and vice versa, school shootings happen so very often that we’ve gotten so used to it hoping that it will cease one day. Instead of focusing our attention to the vital things our communities need, our attention is diverted to things that are happening in our world today. We need to reposition our focus back to the need of our communities, which is God. We need God in all our community. We need God’s love, mercy, and preservation. If our community needs change, we must seek the face of God for change to happen.

What is your favorite quote?

Be a man no one can substitute.

Key learnings:

  • Be a man no one can substitute
  • Plan your life ahead of time to create a consistent environment for yourself
  • Serve God when you’re young and give Him 100% of yourself.
  • Live a life that impacts others instead of living life to get something from others.
  • Prayer is one important key that our communities need to engage in. This will help solve many of the issues that individuals, families, and our nation are facing.
