Beau Buckley

Life is a lesson, it’s not about what we did yesterday it’s about what we do today that will help us be a better person.


Beau Buckley launched Revolucion One early 2016 and is fast becoming one of Australia’s leading digital marketing agencies. With over 10 years experience in digital marketing, Beau’s expertise in SEO, PPC & Web Design has not only helped him build a six-figure business from home, but his strategies have generated his clients more than $3 million dollars in the last two years.

He is also the Founder of SEO Services London, strategic marketing partner at Jack Frost Mobile Car Air Conditioning, and marketing partner at MNU Digital. Never shy of a challenge, what separates Beau from other experts, is taking struggling startups and turning them into six and seven figure businesses.

Beau has the unique ability to look at a business, know the exact areas which need improvement and put together an actionable game plan the business can implement to generate results…fast. With his wealth of knowledge, years of experience and proven results, Beau has established himself as a true industry expert and a respected figure in the digital marketing space.

Where did the idea for your company come from?

I was personally making money online for quite a number of years. In 2016 it was time for a change. I wanted to help local businesses generate more leads & sales by offering my services and expertise. Before I launched my agency (Revolucion One) started doing competitor analysis and even went as far as getting Job interviews to get inside information.

What I found out is that the majority of digital agencies are just sales companies selling hopes and dreams and their knowledge of how to generate real results, were limited. With that being said, I did find a few honest companies who provided a great service but knowing many businesses were having bad experiences and little to no results, urged me further to start my own agency.

The digital space is like the Wild Wild West so I wanted to be that knight in shining armor and as cliché as that sounds, I personally believed if I helped enough businesses get what they want, I would get what I want.

By leading with integrity, providing honest information, affordable solutions and delivering real results, I was able to build a successful business but more importantly, I helped my clients become successful.

What does your typical day look like and how do you make it productive?

Alhamdulillah, I’m thankful for my lifestyle. Many people have the interpretation my life is laid back and I have a lot of time on my hands. To an extent, I agree. But what they don’t see is the years of hard work and the power of setting up systems and creating automation.

I’ve set-up systems not only for me but for my clients. If I need more sales I flick the switch, if they need more sales I flick the switch for them. This is the real power of the internet.

If you want to be productive and have more time freedom to operate at the entrepreneurial level, it’s important you set-up systems and automate your workflow as much as possible. Otherwise, you become a slave to your business.

How do you bring ideas to life?

The truth is, everyone has ideas. The problem is majority don’t take action, so my answer to this is a no-brainer, I take unbelievable action. If I hit a roadblock I look for a solution and make it happen. Unless you’re in a war-torn country, you have ZERO excuses.

What’s one trend that excites you?

Technology. As technology evolves as a digital marketer, so do I. It means I’m always in a constant state of learning. To me this is exciting.

What is one habit of yours that makes your more productive as an entrepreneur?

If I get stuck on a specific task, I don’t sit there dwelling on it wasting time. I move to a different task. Later in the day, I will revisit that initial task with a clear mind and a fresh perspective. Remember, productivity is very important. You will find when you focus too hard on something, you stop looking for opportunities.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Here’s the thing, the position I’m in is due to free will and the choices I made. One of the biggest things people lack is responsibility, no matter where I end up in life, I take full responsibility in my actions. We would all love to go back and tell our younger selves to do this, not to that etc., but you will find you will most likely end up repeating the same mistakes and making the same choices.

Life is a lesson, it’s not about what we did yesterday it’s about what we do today that will help us be a better person.

Tell us something that’s true that no one agrees with you on.

With enough personal development, sense of logic, and a high level of diplomacy skills and negotiation’s, you can always come to a resolution that two can eventually agree on.

There’s probably a lot of people that won’t agree with my statement “Cough” “Cough” “Stubborn people” Ha-ha.

As an entrepreneur, what is one thing you do over and over and recommend everyone else do?

Have consistency. If you want momentum in your business you need consistent effort.

What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business?

Obviously, as a digital marketing expert, I used SEO, PPC, and Social Media marketing to help grow my business, but the most important strategy in growing my business was Reputation Marketing.

You have no idea the power in positive reviews and the leverage it brings. Building a reputation on delivering results is priceless. Bad experiences drive customers away, a fantastic experience gives you customers for life.

Because of the reputation I established online, a lot of my clients now come from referrals.

What is one failure you’ve had as an entrepreneur, and how did you overcome it?

My first business venture was a huge disaster. Even tho it didn’t work out, I learned from my mistakes and tried again and kept trying until I was successful.

What is one business idea that you’re willing to give away to our readers?

Everything is moving towards blockchain, so incorporate it into your business.

What is the best $100 you recently spent? What and why?

Bought $100 worth of Electroneum. Cryptocurrency is the future.

What is one piece of software or web service that helps you be productive? How do you use it?

WordPress. I absolutely love WordPress. The power of this CMS is amazing. WordPress is the heart and soul of my business and is where all my digital marketing strategies begin.

What is one book you recommend our community should read and why?

Enjoy Your Life: The Art of Interaction with People
By Dr. Muhammad Al-Areefi

If you want to work on your personal development, improve your character and your interactions with other people, this is a must have book. This book took me to another level. The value inside this book can be used in every single part of your life.

What is your favorite quote?

“Don’t stress, everything in life is temporary”

Key Learnings:

• Be the best person you can be and learn from your mistakes
• Focus on becoming an industry expert because that’s where the money is
• Money is great, but time freedom is better. Incorporate systems and automation into your work life
