Carenda Deonne

Creator of Carenda Deonne LLC

Carenda is a vibrant, pulsating and charismatic motivational speaker, author and marketing consultant. Carenda’s highly dynamic and charismatic personality has made her a highly recommended and sought after Change Agent in business and professional circles for Corporate CEO’s, small business owner, entrepreneurs and nonprofit and community leaders alike. Carenda is a native of Baltimore, MD. She received her BA degree in Business Marketing from the Fashion Insatiate of Technology in Manhattan, New York; and currently is a graduate student at Regent University pursuing a Masters in Law degree.

In addition to being Editor and Chief of Far Above Rubies Magazine, Carenda is also a published author of three books. (Soul of a Poet, The Wait to Success (Contributing Author), and Perfect Patty Messed Up Devotional). In her pursuit that men and women were born to live life on the promise of IMPACT, Carenda Deonne LLC was founded. Carenda Deonne LLC provides motivational speaking, personal coaching and corporate training. Carenda is also a marketing consultant, helping new entrepreneurs to not only develop a strategic marketing plan, but create a universal brand.

Carenda believes that instead of making lemonade with the lemons life gives you, TAKE AIM. She empowers both men and women to throw those lemons right back at life. She does this by equipping and challenging others to change their thought process, take risks and deliver a new you!

Carenda currently resides in Chesapeake, VA. She is a licensed minister, contributing writer for Grace and Glory Magazine, and a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. Carenda is taking her message of “IMPACT” all across the world, determined to be an undeniable voice.

Where did the idea for Carenda Deonne LLC come from?

It came from me going through my own darkest hour. I remember sitting on the bed crying because I felt like a failure. I was going through my second divorce, my finances were a mess and emotionally I was a wreck. I remember a friend telling me instead of making lemonade with the lemons life has given you, how about taking aim! When they said that, I wiped my tears and said, yes! After much needed self-forgiveness and working on my own issues of trust and lack of self-love, I decided it was indeed my purpose to help as many people as I can to also TAKE AIM! As far as I am concerned, making lemonade is a thing of the past!

What does your typical day look like and how do you make it productive?

My typical day is layered with phone calls, emails and follow-up. I look at my list of items and my content calendar. I begin implementing actionable plans and carve time out to strategize. Ideas are only as great as the strategy behind it. I also have daily meetings with my intern to review projects and status updates. I always start my day with prayer and gratitude and I always take a lunch break!

How do you bring ideas to life?

I bring ideas to life by looking for the simplest things that inspire me. I am not after the big bang. I see beauty and inspiration even in a whisper. I think about those one word moments and experiences, and how they can impact someone’s life for the better.

What’s one trend that excites you?

One trend that excites me, and that seems to never grow old is spoken word (poetry) I love how people use words to create their voice. To me, it is trendy and classic all at the same time.

What is one habit of yours that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur?

One habit of mine that makes me more productive as an entrepreneur is shutting my phone and computer down by 9:00pm daily. As an entrepreneur it is hard to shut things off, your mind is constantly going. However, without mental and physical rest causes me to be unproductive. I do believe the quote that “less is more” Implementing this one habit has truly made me more productive as an entrepreneur.

What advice would you give your younger self?

The advice I would give my younger self is not to be so hard on yourself. As they say, “Rome was not built in a day.” Over exerting yourself is not a healthy way to be productive. Take it one day at a time and never see your mistakes as failure.

Tell us something that’s true that almost nobody agrees with you on.

I believe that you can turn negativity into your greatest momentum. Most people see negative as the infamous red mark of disdain. Absolutely not! I believe negativity can actually be the green light you need to push you further ahead.

As an entrepreneur, what is the one thing you do over and over and recommend everyone else do?

The one thing that I do over and over and recommend everyone else to do is laugh often. Life comes with so many ranges of motion. Laughter is good for the soul. Find something every day that will make you laugh until your stomach hurts.

What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business?

The one strategy that has helped me to grow my business is LEVERAGE! When you are new as an entrepreneur no one knows your name, but you still have an audience to reach. So the question is what names do they know? Who are they following? What celebrities influence them? Start using social media as research and LEVERAGE! Make yourself visible on other people platforms as leverage, in order to grow your own.

What is one failure you had as an entrepreneur, and how did you overcome it?

One failure I had as an entrepreneur is comparing myself to others, as well as complaining when things didn’t go my way. There is nothing wrong with admiring what others do in your industry, but sustainability comes when you are true to yourself and your passion. Complaining gets you nowhere. I decided to see everything as training ground and development. I also started writing a gratitude list daily. Just making those tweaks has totally shifted my mindset.

What is one business idea that you’re willing to give away to our readers?

The one business idea I would give away is never see marketing and branding as one and done. The effort you put in planning your event and executing your event, must also be a part of your post event. Use every opportunity as leverage! Take the time to thank those who are placing interest in you, as well as ask for referrals. As an entrepreneur you must thank and think at all times. Another thing you should ask attendees of your post follow-up is for a testimonial. Again, use every opportunity as leverage. Build long lasting business partnerships by having strong follow-up post your event.

What is the best $100 you recently spent? What and why?

The best $100 I spent recently was with fiveer. I was able to get some professional projects done needed for the business. I used it to create some promotional videos and increasing YouTube exposure. Within that $100 I also invested in HARO training. (Help A Reporter Out) This has been a game changer for my business. I have been quoted as an expert in my field and been able to get exposure on other platforms. My most recent pick was with

What is one piece of software or a web service that helps you be productive?

The one piece of software I use that helps me be productive is Teachable. I recently launched my first 4 week marketing online course for startups. Teachable is user friendly and allows me to learn new platforms along with technology. I am sure I will create additional courses that will continue to showcase me as an expert while continuing to reach my audience virtually.

What is the one book that you recommend our community should read and why?

The one book I would recommend is the Compound Effect by Darren Hardy. This book challenges your thought process with highlighting the benefits of being consistent in your goals and your everyday life.

What is your favorite quote?

My favorite quote is my own personal quote, “If your shoes are untied you will trip. If they stay untied you will fall. Don’t be your own stumbling block. TAKE AIM.”

Key Learnings:

• Some of your most incredible growth comes from pain.
• Your life is not only purposed for your benefit, but also the benefit of others.
• When you reflect on your life and your experiences, you also must reflect on the power of your choices.