Chase McAnear

Founder of Lux Properties

Chase McAnear, a native of Portland, Oregon, embarked on his entrepreneurial journey by forgoing the traditional college path. Born and raised in Portland, he steered towards his passion for real estate, initially as a broker and later as a business owner. Chase is the founder of multiple businesses, notably Lux Properties and Luxe Models. His entrepreneurial spirit and strategic approach have led him to develop diverse opportunities within the real estate and business sectors. With a commitment to his vision, Chase McAnear continues to make significant strides in the world of business.

What is your typical day, and how do you make it productive?

I often find myself working from the moment I wake up until I’m completely drained and ready to fall asleep. The responsibility for numerous clients and employees comes with a level of stress, but it’s part of the job. I envy the structure of a 9-to-5 sometimes, but my dedication to my ambitions keeps me going.

To maximize productivity, I utilize every waking minute for work. While there are brief breaks for meals or occasional visits, the majority of my time is dedicated to the businesses. Even though many aspects are automated, especially in the companies I own, active involvement is crucial for their growth. Despite being in my 20s, I believe it’s essential to be hands-on and focus on expansion rather than coasting. In essence, I spend every waking moment working towards the substantial ambitions I have not just for myself but also for my family.

How do you bring ideas to life?

My approach is pretty straightforward—I simply do whatever I want to do. When an idea comes to mind or when I speak about it, I act on it immediately. I’ve always found that I can think of something and get it done without much delay. Perhaps it’s a lack of certain constraints or expectations, but I didn’t have much to go off when I started. Having worked minimum-wage jobs, I saved up a bit, transitioned into sales, and then used that money to kickstart my entrepreneurial journey. There’s no specific process or visualization technique—I just think about it, pray about it, and then take action. For me, it’s a matter of seeing no other option but to move forward with my ideas.

What’s one trend that excites you?

I like the aspect of flexing. Not necessarily for its trendiness, but because, when executed strategically, it can actually boost your business. If you have a lifestyle business and showcase your success in a particular way, it can attract more clients and opportunities. While I’m not particularly trend-focused, I see the potential in leveraging success to enhance both my business and reputation. It’s about showing people the positive aspects of your life, driving interest and, in turn, driving more business. For me, it’s not just about following trends but using them to further the success of my ventures.

What is one habit that helps you be productive?

An unconventional habit that enhances my productivity is indulging in nice dinners with good, healthy food and traveling to attractive destinations where I can meet interesting people. When you reach a point where you can carve out time for yourself, these habits become more than just personal enjoyment—they become powerful networking opportunities.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Oddly enough, my advice to my younger self would be to avoid tanning. I recently visited a dermatologist who remarked that my skin appeared older than my age. While it might seem like a quirky answer, it reflects the importance of prioritizing health over external appearances. At 26, I’ve realized the significance of preserving my youth, and I wish I had started focusing on a good skincare routine earlier. Stress and the lack of guidance since I was 18 have taken a toll. My unconventional advice stems from the belief that preserving health is key, even when striving for a particular image. It’s a reminder to prioritize well-being over superficial beauty, especially when navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship.

Tell us something you believe almost nobody agrees with you on?

Reading books is unnecessary to make money. Despite the common advice emphasizing the importance of reading, I’ve managed to do well for myself without picking up a single book since high school. I don’t read books; instead, I focus on creating businesses and learning through hands-on experiences, especially from failures. While this perspective may differ from others, I find that it works for me in the industries I’m involved in. Reading hasn’t been a prerequisite for making a good living in my journey.

What is the one thing you repeatedly do and recommend everyone else do?

The key is to flex on social media consistently. Remind everyone about your endeavors, and don’t get too caught up in what others are doing. The crucial mantra is to create, not just spectate. I get slightly frustrated seeing people endlessly scrolling on social media. I believe in being a doer, not just a watcher. Reminding people weekly about your activities can attract more clients. For instance, if I post about selling properties on Instagram, it serves as a reminder to my network that they can reach out to me for real estate needs. Consistent and intentional social media presence has been a powerful tool for bringing in clients and opportunities in my journey.

When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused, what do you do?

The lifestyle choices I’ve incorporated into my routine, like visiting beautiful places and connecting with like-minded individuals, contribute not only to my well-being but also to my overall success. It’s about finding habits that not only fit into the entrepreneurial lifestyle but also make life both profitable and enjoyable.

What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business or advance in your career?

Without a doubt, the most effective strategy for generating new business is showcasing success on social media. It’s a method that has consistently proven to bring in substantial returns. In my view, there’s nothing that brings in more money than visibly collecting and displaying success. If I were to sum up my approach, it would be just that—collecting success.

What is one failure in your career,  how did you overcome it, and what lessons did you take away from it?

I  don’t perceive failures as setbacks; instead, I see them as opportunities for adaptation. I can’t recall a time when I considered something a failure and didn’t use it as a stepping stone for success. For me, it’s about having the ability to adapt when faced with challenges. If you can navigate obstacles and keep moving forward, it’s not a failure—it’s part of the journey. I don’t see failure as a defining endpoint; rather, it’s a continuous process of learning and growth. As long as you don’t give up and keep adapting, you’re on the path to success. I’ve been working relentlessly since the day my parents kicked me out of the house, and I view every experience, even the challenging ones, as integral to reaching the point I am at now. It’s a mindset of constant adaptation and progress.

What is one business idea you’re willing to give away to our readers?

Here’s an idea I’m willing to share. It came up during a conversation with my friend about the possibility of a loved one being kidnapped. Inspired by a documentary about kidnapping someone for ransom, I thought of creating a “pinky toe tracking device” for wives and children. The idea is to have a small tracking device attached to the pinky toe, utilizing cell towers to provide location information in case of emergencies. I’m putting this idea out there, and if someone wants to develop it and share a small royalty with me, let’s do it.

What is one piece of software that helps you be productive? How do you use it?

One piece of software that significantly contributes to my productivity is Boomtown, a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool. It helps me contact leads, organize clients, and efficiently follow up with them. The time-saving features of this software have played a crucial role in the success of my businesses.

Do you have a favorite book or podcast you’ve gotten a ton of value from and why?

The Bible is the only book that I read and would recommend.

What’s a movie or series you recently enjoyed and why?

Fast and Furious.

Key learnings

  • Don’t waste time.
  • You can do millions in your 20s if you try hard enough.
  • Don’t take life too seriously.