Cheryl Guz


Cheryl Guz is an attorney and the owner of Cheryl Guz Law. Cheryl Guz Law focuses on probate avoidance estate planning and small business formation and planning. Ms. Guz has a mission to make legal services affordable for small business owners and ordinary individuals. Cheryl is also an adjunct professor of Business Law and Ethics for the Colangelo College of Business at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Arizona. Cheryl assists business clients with the formation of Arizona corporations, LLCs, and non profit organizations. She provides legal advice and risk mitigation ideas to small business owners, including real estate brokers, property managers, restaurant owners, animal trainers, etc. Ms. Guz structures, negotiates, and drafts a variety of simple and complex legal agreements for these clients. Cheryl’s 15 years of experience as an insurance coverage and bad faith litigation attorney helps her understand the pitfalls to avoid in drafting business agreements.

Ms. Guz also works with and advises clients regarding probate avoidance estate planning. The harsh reality of life is that one day it will end. After helping people build their businesses and, by association, their wealth, she facilitates her clients’ transition of those assets to the people they love, in the least intrusive manner possible.

As an adjunct professor since 2019, Cheryl Guz is a traditional (in-person) instructor, teaching law to business major undergraduate students. As a result of the pandemic, she is also now comfortable teaching on-line classes. GCU’s Business Law class teaches an overview of U.S. laws with a concentration on those affecting businesses in the United States. Cheryl guides students through real-world scenarios while discussing the ethics of decisions from the perspectives of all stakeholders. Cheryl spends a lot of time out in the community and is a founding member of the West Valley Business Exchange. WVBE focuses on helping local business owners and professionals create lasting business relationships through warm referrals. Each member represents a unique market that oftentimes overlaps with other industry needs. WVBE members work hard to build their businesses and also focus on helping other members grow their businesses and give all of their clients the best service possible.

What is your typical day, and how do you make it productive?

I start my day with coffee and Duolingo for Spanish. I then do some form of exercise, walking or yoga. After that, it depends on the day. Mon, Tues, and Thurs I do legal work and networking. Weds and Fri I go to school and teach from 11-4:45, Business Law and Ethics for undergraduayes.

Depending on how busy yhe week is, I may work for half a day on Saturday. Saturday evening is reserved for friends, family, and fun. Comedy shows, movies, dinner with friends, maybe a roadtrip across the Valley to ASU to see my daughter at school etc. Sundays are freeform sometimes, hiking, sometimes football, sometimes a good book and a phone that is on mute.

How do you bring ideas to life?

I am constantly trying to stay ahead of the curve and looking for ways to leverage technology to provide better service for our clients and a more enjoyable and flexible workplace for our employees. Our profession is changing rapidly, and a lot of that change is driven by a shortage of talent and employees refusing to work the hours that historically been expected in our business.

I recognize the importance of daydreaming and letting ideas take shape without forcing them into being. When I have to take some concrete steps towards a goal, I remember to take the time to get myself in the proper frame of mind before sitting at my desk.

What’s one trend that excites you?

In a sense, I feel like I am creating my own trend. I work for myself and do most of my work remotely, by saving overhead I can pass on that savings to my clients. Lawyers are expensive for the middleclass and I try to give a really good product at an affordable price so my small business and “regular people” clients feel that they can afford legal services.

What is one habit that helps you be productive?

I make sure to manage my time well. I don’t sit down with the expectation that I am going to be productive for 8 hours. That is unrealistic, overwhelming, and leads to procrastination. I carve up my day into 15 and 30 minute blocks of both expected productivity and mental and physical breaks. Smaller blocks of time lead to more and better work product.

What advice would you give your younger self?

How your life turns out is not an accident. You have all the control, all the responsibility, and you get all the blame and the glory.

Tell us something you believe that almost nobody agrees with you on?

How your life turns out is not an accident. You have all the control, all the responsibility, and you get all the blame and the glory.

What is the one thing you repeatedly do and recommend everyone else do?

Treat my physical and mental health as being as important as my financial health.

When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused, what do you do?

I take a few moments to clear and relax my mind.

What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business or advance in your career?

Take ownership of my responsibility to believe in myself and create the life I want. Also, communicate with clients. No one likes to be ignored.

What is one failure in your career,  how did you overcome it, and what lessons did you take away from it?

Imposter syndrome. I just kept moving forward even when I was scared and unsure. Age also helps.

What is one business idea you’re willing to give away to our readers?

There are enough clients for everyone. Your competitors can be your biggest cheerleaders and may even refer business to you. Not all clients are the right fit for you, make sure you know who you want to work with, and refer the others out.

What is one piece of software that helps you be productive? How do you use it?

Adapt helps me manage my business.

Do you have a favorite book or podcast you’ve gotten a ton of value from and why?

The Law of Attraction has helped me take control of my mind and my life.

What’s a movie or series you recently enjoyed and why?

Ted Lasso. It’s a treasure trove of humanity and life lessons.

Key learnings

  • You are the architect of your life.
  • Stay in balance – your physical and emotional health matter as much as your financial health.
  • There are enough clients for everyone.
  • Not all clients are the right fit for you.