Deborah Lucero

We have to feed our systems with emotional well-being— it is okay for us to be tender to nurture our souls and our spirit.


Deborah Lucero is an author, mindset facilitator, and founder of Live Your Full Life, a health and wellness website which offers personal growth and self-development courses. Her self-paced online courses teach others how to use the power of the mind, positive thoughts, and an abundant mindset to improve health, finances, relationships and find happiness.

Prior to founding her company, Deborah was a certified occupational therapy assistant. She has worked primarily in the pediatric setting. Where she utilized her skills as a certified handwriting specialist and certified infant/touch massage instructor until 2012 when she was diagnosed with several medical conditions. As she immersed herself in the personal growth and self-development field, she realized that she was doing things all wrong! She needed to embrace her body, forgive her mind, love her soul, and honor her spirit!

So, she began to nurture herself at every level to slowly heal. She noticed that these positive changes were improving all areas of her life. She kept up these new healthy habits which allowed her to make a permanent difference. Her journey began by helping others who have fibromyalgia, sharing techniques learned to honor the mind, body, soul, and spirit. You may have seen her in her Thursday Inspirations Facebook Live Events where she shares her story of hope, healing, and peace.

She created her 5-Step Process which includes Detox, Releasing Emotion, Mindset, Reprogramming Your Mind, and Exercise/Physical Activity. It is the foundation of her Healing Insights 70-Day Course and The 5-Step Process For Fibromyalgia Relief. She also developed The Wellness Plan, a monthly subscription plan to maintain lasting change, to apply the 5-Steps to daily life. She has written a book titled “BE F*#%ING AMAZING 70 Healing Insights to Live Your Full Life” which will be available in 2018!

Where did the idea for your company come from?

The idea for Live Your Full Life came from the fact that I finally learned how to Live A Full Life! After I cleaned up my lifestyle, I had so many people ask me how I did it. I also realized there are many people living unfulfilled lives. So, I was inspired to create a Health & Wellness website to teach others how to Live Your Full Life!

What does your typical day look like and how do you make it productive?

My typical day starts with telling myself how amazing I feel as soon as I take my first breath. I do some type of meditation. My favorite is Emotional Freedom Techniques Tapping Meditation. I practice yoga, exercise, and journal to set an intention for the day. I read The 5-Step Process Cheat Sheet along with What Would My Perfect Ideal Day Look Like Activity. I dedicate at least four hours to income producing activities. I make my day productive by doing the most important things first.

How do you bring ideas to life?

Journaling because it allows you to make a neurological connection to the motor action. The physical part of writing, which is considered meditative journaling, has many benefits. It is known to make learning easier, improve memory, help you be in the present moment, and make your goals a reality. When I write my goals, I can see and feel the words come to life. Also, I can refer to my journal for inspiration, for encouragement, and for proof that I have endured, succeeded, and mastered these goals.

What’s one trend that excites you?

I am excited the self-help field is trending. It is a great indicator that collectively people are seeking ways to heal their entire being! Especially, using alternative medicine and self-healing techniques such as energy psychology. People are yearning to connect with spirit, their true self to not only realize their full potential but reach it. It’s comforting to know that the internet has given us access to resources, knowledge, and online courses to develop a lifestyle that places focus on nurturing the mind, body, soul, and spirit.

What is one habit of yours that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur?

I set three goals per day. This is a habit I picked up from Tony Robbin’s 10 Minute Meditation. The basic premise is to meditate on five things you are grateful for in the world for three minutes. Then meditate on five things you are grateful for in your life for three minutes. Then create three goals for the day that you want to accomplish and meditate on those three goals while you envision yourself doing/completing those three goals. This mental rehearsal is the key to being more productive as an entrepreneur.

What advice would you give your younger self?

You are enough. Be your own friend, forgive, love, and nurture yourself. Love never dies. Souls never die. It is your responsibility to cleanse and protect your energy every day. Like attracts like. Karma is positive. Your thoughts matter. You are not a victim. You are the placebo. Gratitude is on the same vibration as abundance. It is not your job to change others you can only love them. You are only responsible for your own happiness. Forgiveness is the gift you give yourself. Share this message. See the love. You are capable, limitless, and loved unconditionally. Stay connected. Stay present.

Tell us something that’s true that almost nobody agrees with you on.

We have to feed our systems with emotional well-being— it is okay for us to be tender to nurture our souls and our spirit. It’ is okay to take time to honor ourselves. To listen to what our soul is telling us that it needs. Take time to connect with your spirit, your true self, so that you can live that truth each and every day, instead of living in the mindset of old programs that we don’t even realize are not serving us.

As an entrepreneur, what is the one thing you do over and over and recommend everyone else do?

I meditate and recommend everyone else should too. I have found 2 meditation techniques that are the most effective.
Emotional Freedom Techniques—Dr. Lipton explains, “EFT engages the process of super learning.” He described super learning as, “The process of pushing the record button on the subconscious mind.” He states that you can change old programs that you have had a lifetime in 15 minutes. To learn more about EFT Tapping click here: What Is Tapping with Release Negative Thoughts Script
Dr. Joe Dispenza’s meditation technique teaches you to express gratitude for future blessings. The key is to trick the mind into believing the event has already happened. You do this by feeling higher level emotions such as (service, joy, peace, love, freedom, inspiration, and abundance) while you think about how you want your day or life to be.

What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business?

Facebook Groups—This one strategy allows me to reach thousands of individuals every day. The best part about it is that I get to connect with people that are like-minded. I offer links to access my courses for a free trial as a special thanks!

What is one failure you had as an entrepreneur, and how did you overcome it?

I had a difficult time finding a niche. But once I realized my messy message could help so many others yearning to live a full life I knew what I had to do. A Health and Wellness website was the way to go.

What is one business idea that you’re willing to give away to our readers?

Start an e-commerce business that sells Wellness Kits. Create kits that include items to manage and improve any type of medical condition. Cut overhead costs by using drop shipping. Have the items delivered directly to the customer.

What is the best $100 you recently spent? What and why?

I recently purchased an online course Your Book Writing, Publishing, and Marketing Strategies Tele-Class. All about writing, publishing, and marketing books to become a successful independent author.

What is one piece of software or a web service that helps you be productive? How do you use it?

MailChimp helps us stay connected with weekly updates and monthly newsletters. It saves time with features like replicate. Plus, it tracks the performance of each email campaign.

What is the one book that you recommend our community should read and why?

The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results
This book will teach you about focus, about possibility, and about ability. When you focus on one thing, all your energy is placed on that one thing. You focus on ‘the one thing’ that needs to get done at that moment. You do the most important thing first.

What is your favorite quote?

“Four things to remember, you have a purpose, you matter, you make a difference, and you have a responsibility.” —Cole Hatter
Realizing your full potential (your purpose) is essential. When I discovered my purpose, I knew I had to share the techniques I learned. I used this inspiration to create my Health and Wellness website.

Key learnings:

• By meditating daily, you will fully process and release what is not serving you, so you can reach your full potential.
• Journal to help you be in the present moment and make your goals a reality.
• Practice gratitude for future blessings. To trick the mind into believing the event has already happened.
• Create goals and envision yourself doing/completing those goals. This mental rehearsal is the key to being more productive as an entrepreneur.
• Read The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results to stay focused. Do the most important thing first.


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