Dorian Quinn

You don’t have to be right all the time, you just have to have good results.


Dorian Quinn PSc.D is the Owner and Clinical Director of Simple Wellness Clinic. The focus of Simple Wellness Clinic is to provide wellness-based peripheral neuropathy solutions. The treatment of peripheral neuropathy is accomplished by reverse-engineering the path to the origins of the problem. Based on the strength of information provided on the neuropathy’s origins, Dr. Dorian Quinn provides a holistic solution to correcting the debilitating damage. This includes looking at the metabolism, blood sugar challenges, and other common triggers, such as chemo-therapy residuals and statin drugs. This approach can reverse the neuropathy to the point of nearly full functioning, if not a full recovery.

Dorian Quinn is a graduate of the University of Western State where he earned his Doctorate in CHiropractic in 1984. He continued his education at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine where he was Licensed as Acupuncturist (LAc) and educated in Holistic Pain Management, Nutrition, and Anti-Aging in 1989.

Dr. Dorian Quinn created a rehabilitation clinic. As a chiropractor, he provided holistic pain management. He assisted patients recovering from back pain and chronic injuries using bodywork, acupuncture, nutrition, and exercise.

In 2016, a close family member became stricken with a rare form of cancer. Chemo-radiation and surgery took its toll. It was then that Dr. Dorian Quinn realized that patients are being treated for symptoms, rather than future prevention. Based on this, he changed his perspective. He officially retired from chiropractic, focusing less on pain management, but more on nutrition, detox, and lifestyle protocols that assist the body to regain vitality and return to a more active life.

The goal for Dorian Quinn PSc.D and Simple Wellness is to educate people based on where their illness is coming from and how to correct it. Ultimately, empowering individuals to control their own health without being dependent on medications and their side-effects.

In his free time, Dorian Quinn and his wife enjoy traveling. They have traveled to Europe, South America, Cuba, Mexico, and Canada. They enjoy exploring the culture of each location. “Mingling with the locals” is their preference, not going where the tourists go.

Where did the idea for Simple Wellness come from?

As Owner and Clinical Director of Simple Wellness, I wanted to empower people with the ability to take care of themselves. It does not have to be complicated. In fact, they see firsthand how some small changes done through a guided process can have profound effects on their energy and overall health.. Our goal at Simple Wellness is to reverse engineer the causes of our patients’ illness. We are going to show you what is going to be necessary for you to improve your health and maintain it with as little intervention from others, particularly pharmaceuticals. Wellness doesn’t have to be complicated, it’s a matter of how to adapt it to your particular situation and lifestyle.

What does your typical day look like and how do you make it productive?

We consult with new clients regularly. We have people coming in for check-ups for their weight loss program. We answer texts and emails because we interact with our clients consistently. Many times we will email or text them so that they don’t have to come into the office. I do some physical therapy work. More specifically, I use laser therapy, myofascial release, and give them exercises to do at home. We consult individuals about how to set-up their pantry and educate them on which foods that are safe to consume without spiking their blood sugar levels, or which foods are considered anti-inflammatory foods. We also have individuals coming in to use our lights for anti-aging and body contouring.

How do you bring ideas to life?

We observe how our programs are working. In particular, we get feedback from patients on how solutions are working for them. I belong to a number of professional groups where we discuss cases and protocols.In addition, I work with Evelyn Smith – a very insightful health coach whose ideas and opinions bring a lot of value to what Simple Wellness Clinic can provide.

What’s one trend that excites you?

The trend that excites me is that more and more people are taking responsibility for their own healthcare rather than taking a pill to alleviate the symptoms. Symptom management is much different than health promotion. I am happy to see more of health promotion as a trend. People understand that if they want to get better, then they have to participate in their own healthcare. There’s simply no shortcut to better health.

What is one habit of yours that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur?

What makes me productive is that I am willing to change what I am doing. I am not fixated about doing things in the same way over and over again. Honor what works and be flexible and open to new ideas and suggestions. Darwin said that survival of the fittest depended more on adaptability than strength.

What advice would you give your younger self?

I would tell younger Dorian Quinn to remember that your inner voice is more accurate than you give it credit for.

Tell us something that’s true that almost nobody agrees with you on.

That we tend to have more inflammation in our system than we realize because of our busy lifestyles, and not having symptoms equals being healthy. Slowing down for self-care can be put off.

As an entrepreneur, what is the one thing you do over and over and recommend everyone else do?

One of the biggest things I would recommend is to get a good night’s sleep. The busier people get, the more likely they are to sacrifice their sleep. The body needs time to rejuvenate and prepare itself for the next day.

What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business?

I grew my business by listening to what people want versus providing them with what I think they need.

What is one failure you had as an entrepreneur, and how did you overcome it?

One failure that I can think of is that I don’t believe I adapted to change quick enough.

What is one business idea that you’re willing to give away to our readers?

I would suggest taking the time for self-care. Allow yourself to recharge your battery. Self-care is critical. Being out in nature is critical. It will pay a lot of dividends in the long-run.

What is the best $100 you recently spent? What and why?

The best hundred dollars was spent in gas on a road trip through the Columbia River Gorge.

What is one piece of software or a web service that helps you be productive?

I use YouTube and Wikipedia. There are so many smart people who have taken the time to explain things health-related.

What is the one book that you recommend our community should read and why?

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz How to talk to yourself and how to talk to others. It makes communications much easier.

What is your favorite quote?

Have an Attitude of Gratitude

Key Learnings:

● Wellness doesn’t have to be complicated, you simply have to know your body.
● People know if they want to get better, then they have to participate in their own healthcare.
● You don’t have to be right all the time, you just have to have good results.
● Be open to getting advice and being mentored.
● Self-care is critical. Being out in nature is critical.
