Isbert Bermudez

It is not the quantity of time that you spend in the office it is the quality of work you produce.


When you choose to create your own career path, you have the opportunity to travel to many different countries. You interact and do business with different cultures, and you give yourself the closest thing to the ideal job that you can possibly reward yourself with. Isbert Bermudez is a Regional Sales Manager for an international manufacturing company.

Isbert Bermudez was born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela and completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Carabobo in Valencia, Venezuela. He then moved to Spain where he earned his Master’s degree in International Business in 2009.

Bermudez moved to Orange County, California and over the past four years has been working as the Regional Sales Manager for an Integrated Technology company. His career made him a leader in his field as he manages all Latin America for his organization. Despite all the political and economic challenges in the Latin American regions for the past three years, he not only grew the business but has made his region successful in sales.

Where did the idea for your company come from?

The reason I chose this career path is the same reason why I chose to pursue my Masters in International Business. I can work anywhere in the world, so my degree is versatile. I love to work with different people and different cultures. There are different ways to do business, and I experience that every day. For all these reasons, I have concluded that this path would allow me the credentials to secure the closest thing to the ideal job for me.

What does your typical day look like and how do you make it productive?

I start my day by identifying unique new opportunities, helping resolve any problems through distribution channels, partner channels or any other project we may have. I work with vendors; I make phone calls. I deal with any governments if there are any buy-out products. I partner with our marketing department to support and contribute to any campaigns or promotions that we may be launching. I have to constantly be aware of our warehouse stock and update sales forecasts. I ensure products are delivered according to customers’ needs and deadline and support our customer service department to resolve any issues that may arise. I also partner with our technical sales team to help customers resolve issues and make things run better.

How do you bring ideas to life?

If I have an idea for the business or something that will increase our sales and revenue, I make a business plan to see how much it will cost. If the idea financially feasible, I will make it happen.

What’s one trend that excites you?

One trend that excites me is the concept of cryptocurrency.

What is one habit of yours that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur?

I wake up very early in the morning to organize my daily priorities. I stay focused on my highest priorities and work to complete the most difficult projects first thing in the morning. It is not the quantity of time that you spend in the office but the quality of work you produce. Also, make sure you do it right the first time so that you don’t have to do it twice.

What advice would you give your younger self?

I would tell my younger self to work hard but to be sure to enjoy life as well. Learn different languages at as age as young as possible.

Tell us something that’s true that almost nobody agrees with you on.

I believe that any controversy can be resolved with good communication skills. I have excellent communication skills and a willingness to resolve issues through diplomacy.

As an entrepreneur, what is the one thing you do over and over and recommend everyone else do?

One thing that I believe is very important in any business is that everyone should be developing and building strong relationships. Everyone is important, salespeople, marketing people, partner channels, distributors, government representatives. They all require good communications and relationship building skills.

What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business?

Using email marketing blasts in different countries that we are targeting for new business followed up by face to face meetings to explain the benefits of promoting our products in their business. I work very closely with my marketing and promotions staff on each campaign. We also work on some social media platforms. We look for new client opportunities each quarter.

What is one failure you had as an entrepreneur, and how did you overcome it?

One failure I have been able to resolve has been when the numbers for my region begin to go in the wrong direction. I study the numbers and I analyze everything. I try to find out exactly what the problem could be. I look at all the logistics and I do everything within my power to come up with a solution to avoid it happening again.

What is one business idea that you’re willing to give away to our readers?

This is not related to anything that I do for a living. I always had the idea to have (not a sports center) more like an indoor/outdoor soccer center where you can play or you can watch soccer. It would also be nice to have a nice bar and a nice restaurant in the same place. It would be very popular in the Latin American community. There is not one in Orange County, California.

What is the best $100 you recently spent? What and why?

I spent a hundred dollars on the 23 and Me program. I am very curious to see what the results are going to be.

What is one piece of software or a web service that helps you be productive?

We use Salesforce which helps me stay productive. I can keep track of my sales goals and progress toward goal. It also helps me accurately forecast revenue for the company.

What is the one book that you recommend our community should read and why?

The autobiography of Lee Lacocca. I enjoyed reading how he changed the auto industry.

What is your favorite quote?

“To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift.” – Steve Prefontaine

Key Learnings:

• It is not the quantity of time that you spend in the office it is the quality of work you produce.
• Always work hard but make sure to enjoy life as well.
• Everyone in business should be developing and building strong relationships.
