Julie Zhu

Founder of Julie Zhu LLC

Julie Zhu is an NYC-based marketing strategist. She helps passionate entrepreneurs gain visibility and scale their businesses. Her work has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, and other publications.

What is your typical day, and how do you make it productive?

My day is a delightful mix of strategy and spontaneity! Each month and week, I create a “big theme” – think of it as my roadmap. It guides my daily schedule, which is filled with client meetings and focused work sessions. I also set aside time for volunteer marketing consulting with amazing business owners through WENYC and SCORE, which is an incredibly rewarding experience.

Working out, hanging out with friends, and eating consciously are also key for me. This approach helps me stay focused, yet adaptable enough to make each day meaningful and interesting!

How do you bring ideas to life?

Embracing Openness and Learning: So, I kick things off by opening my mind to a world of ideas. I draw from everything I love – art, architecture, food, history etc. This part is like setting the stage for all the creativity and innovation that’s about to unfold.

Exploration and Concept Development: Next up, I dive deep, getting into the nitty-gritty of my idea. And here’s where my trusty mind map comes in. It’s like my guide through the jungle of thoughts, helping me connect the dots, explore different angles, and get a full picture of what I’m working on.

Collaboration and Feedback: Then, I bring in the brain trust – mentors, peers, anyone who can offer a fresh perspective. We brainstorm, toss ideas around, and refine them. This stage is about gathering diverse viewpoints, which is super important for making my concept as strong as it can be.

Testing and Experimentation: Now, I roll up my sleeves and start putting my ideas to the test. Launching beta versions, and getting feedback from potential clients – it’s a hands-on phase where I learn what works and what doesn’t, fine-tuning everything along the way.

Expansion and Growth: And finally, after all that refining, it’s time to think bigger. I look for the right business partners to help take my project to the next level. We’re ready to scale up, increase exposure, and really make sure the project has legs to stand on for the long haul.

What’s one trend that excites you?

AI’s impact on local small businesses is something that really excites me. There was this time in Santa Monica when I saw a Coco Delivery robot, all in vibrant pink, just making its way down the street. It totally caught me by surprise!

And then there’s Bimbo Bakery’s incredible effort in Mexico. They used generative AI to create personalized signs for street food vendors, like those selling hotdogs and burgers – we’re talking over 8,000 signs! It’s amazing to think about the kind of support this brings to small businesses.

What gets me really excited is how AI is empowering these businesses, helping them to stand out and thrive in new, innovative ways. The potential here, to transform everything from customer service to logistics with AI, is just so thrilling to see.

What is one habit that helps you be productive?

First, I block out a specific chunk of time just for focused work. Think of it as setting an appointment with my tasks. But before diving in, I create the perfect setting. I start by clearing my table – it’s all about having that clean, distraction-free space.

On the table, it’s just the essentials: my laptop, a pen and pad for capturing ideas on the fly, and a must-have, my cup of tea. It’s all part of the magic.

With everything in place and a dark academia playlist setting the mood in the background, I’m in my element. It’s about creating an environment where I can be my most productive self. I find myself diving deep into my work, fully utilizing those blocked-out hours. It’s amazing how a few simple steps can transform an ordinary work session into something so focused and productive.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Stay open to new experiences, embrace different points of view, and value the richness that differences bring. This openness will not only broaden your horizons but also deepen your understanding and appreciation of the world around you.

Tell us something you believe almost nobody agrees with you.

Common advice often suggests that success comes from “niching down,” but my journey has shown me the immense value of being multi-passionate. Having a variety of interests and hobbies has allowed me to bring a richer, more diverse set of skills and insights into my work. My experiences working with fashion brands, off-Broadway shows, jazz orchestras, law firms, and psychologists have all woven together to shape my unique perspective. This mix of backgrounds might not fit into a traditional niche, but it has been invaluable. It has allowed me to approach challenges with a comprehensive and diverse toolkit. While niching down works for many, embracing a multi-passionate path can also lead to a highly rewarding entrepreneurial journey.

What is the one thing you repeatedly do and recommend everyone else do?

Drinking tea is my go-to ritual. Maybe it’s because I have a bit too much “fire” in my personality, but tea always does the trick for me. My current favorites are Pu-erh in the morning to kick off the day, jasmine tea in the afternoon for that zen moment, and a soothing herbal blend at night for a cozy, warm wind-down. It’s more than just staying hydrated; it’s a part of my daily self-care. I recommend everyone to stay hydrated – your next great idea might just come over a cup of tea!

When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused, what do you do?

When I feel overwhelmed or unfocused, I close down my laptop and take a walk outside. Getting some fresh air and walking around helps me feel more grounded. Sometimes, taking a break helps me unwind and recharge. Interestingly, it’s often during these walks that I come up with ideas or solutions to things I’ve been pondering for a while.

What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business or advance in your career?

Getting out there and continuing to learn has been my secret sauce for growth, both in my career and personally. This year, I’ve been actively building my LinkedIn community, attended my first SXSW, and joined a bunch of local meetups. Oh, I recently took an improv class, which was a hoot! Plus, I’ve gotten into curating and organizing my own events for JP Morgan and Soho House.

These experiences have been a goldmine for meeting super interesting people and hearing some great ideas and stories. They keep me constantly inspired, challenge the way I think and work, and have really opened my eyes. I’ve gained a clearer picture of my path, and made connections with some amazing people and opportunities. Each step is about building on what I’ve learned, testing out new ideas, and just seeing where it all goes.

What is one failure in your career, how did you overcome it, and what lessons did you take away from it?

It took me almost six months to get my business off the ground. I was super hesitant about sharing it on LinkedIn, thinking I needed this picture-perfect website before I could launch anything. Funny how I was stuck on small details, like choosing between mint green or moss green for the website – which, by the way, has changed so much since then.

And here’s a bit of wisdom from working with a bunch of small business owners: it’s totally okay to start simple. Really, a basic one-page website is more than enough. Aiming for perfection right away? It’s not just unrealistic, but also unnecessary. Your business and ideas are going to evolve over time. It’s only through working with clients, honing your skills, and building experience that you’ll really hone in on what you want.

What is one business idea you’re willing to give away to our readers?

Starting a newsletter is a great idea if you’re looking to share what you love and build a community around it. It doesn’t cost much to get started. If you’re a tech enthusiast, you could create a newsletter that’s about the latest AI tools, packed with tips and tricks, and maybe even deep dives into Google’s Gemini.

The beauty of this is you’re building a real connection with your readers. You’re giving them value, sparking discussions, and creating a space where tech lovers can feel right at home. And as your list grows, your newsletter becomes a trusted resource in the tech community. Plus it opens up opportunities for future growth, like partnerships with brands once you’ve got a solid subscriber base.

What is one piece of software that helps you be productive? How do you use it?

I’ve come to rely on Google Calendar as my go-to for keeping track of time. I’ve tried a bunch of different time management tools, but none of them really stuck with me. Google Calendar works so well, especially if you’re already using Gmail. It just integrates so seamlessly. I find it super helpful to color-code my events and block out time for specific tasks. A friend of mine always says, “If it isn’t in your Google Calendar, it’s not happening.” That’s stuck with me, so now I make sure to put every important thing right there in my calendar.

What is the best $100 you recently spent?

It’s a cycling package. This year, I’ve really gotten into indoor cycling. I used to be one of those “I don’t have time to work out” people. But now, I’ve made a pact with myself to show up and carve out time for it. I’m happier, more relaxed, and I’ve even uncovered this new side of myself that loves cycling, especially while belting out Taylor Swift songs.

Do you have a favorite book or podcast from which you’ve received much value?

One podcast that’s been my favorite lately is the ‘Huberman Lab Podcast’ with Andrew Huberman. I’ve always been fascinated by how the brain works, and this podcast is spot-on with that. Andrew Huberman has a way of diving into these topics with incredible clarity. Plus, he brings on these amazing guest experts, and they unpack all sorts of scientific health tools and strategies, which are super applicable to everyday life.

What’s a movie or series you recently enjoyed and why?

I really enjoy Friends, even though it’s not a recent series. The friendships, humor, and fashion aesthetic are so classic. Phoebe and Forever Chandler (R.I.P.) are two of my favorite characters in the show for being wonderfully weird, funny, and kind.

Key learnings:

  • Keeping an open mind and staying curious, life is a journey.
  • No pressure for perfect ideas from day one; we all start from somewhere, right?
  • Staying hydrated and having your tea time keeps you refreshed and alert.
  • It’s okay to be multi-passionate and use a colorful palette to paint your unique journey to happiness and success.