Lauren Jones

Integrative Life and Wellness Coach

Lauren Jones is an integrative life, wellness, and executive coach. Born and raised in Michigan, she worked in Chicago before moving to Colorado to be closer to her family and sunshine. In her coaching business, she helps people identify their personal “why” and connect it to their purpose so they can take control of their lives.

Before coaching, Jones spent 25 years in the financial services industry specializing in integration strategies and relationship building for high-net-worth individuals and families. She specializes in identifying and solving problems as well as creating strong networks.

Jones is a recovering perfectionist and a certified Integrative Life and Wellness Coach. As a coach, she helps her clients reconnect with their true selves and uncover what lights them up. Lauren is an advocate of change as she herself climbed to the top of the corporate ladder and jumped right off of it.

She believes that we get “stuck” when we worry about what everyone else thinks and we dismiss our desires to follow the path we wish to be on. She firmly believes that we deserve to pursue our passions and interests without fear of judgment because, after all, this is our one precious life.

What is your typical day, and how do you make it productive?

Each day is different, I try to find the balance and harmony so it’s really important to block out family time, personal time and work time. I always try to start the day with slowness and some quiet time, so I spend it reading and journaling with a cup of coffee. I also try to sneak in at least 15 minutes before my daughter wakes up. My daughter, Sadie, and I always cuddle right when she wakes up and it really helps me feel grounded for the day. Once I drop her off at daycare, I walk around 2 miles while listening to a podcast or returning calls. Then I focus on catching up on emails, texts, and make a list of tasks that I would like to get done for the day. I try to follow up on any action items from the morning and get set for the next day. We eat dinner early – which I love. The early evening is full of singing, art projects, and dancing before bedtime. After Sadie goes to sleep, I take time to respond where I need to, spend a few minutes for myself and wind down.

How do you bring ideas to life?

Think, think and think more about them, after which I start talking about it at length and then just go ahead and do it. I bring in people that inspire me, I look for ways to work together and talk through the ideas. I trust my gut and start making small moves in the right direction. I do the next best thing and see where it leads.

What’s one trend that excites you?

Being authentic, in addition to bringing in life and health coaches to one’s personal growth. The coaching world is expanding as everyone is increasingly trying to find one’s true self in these times of rapid advancement in technology. It is getting everyone to focus more on their health which inspires me to do more in different ways. As people struggle with the chaos of the world, burnout, and the desire to be their authentic self, there is a call for support and accountability. Promoting mindfulness and wellness in one’s life is, and will continue to be, a critical aspect as we look for purpose and harmony.

What is one habit that helps you be productive?

Time blocking. As a recovering perfectionist, I stop trying to multitask and designate time blocks for specific tasks. I feel that I am able to be much more productive this way. Well, that in addition to lists! Sometimes when I’m feeling really scattered, I write every little thing down. Give me an old-school yellow legal pad, and I’ll fill it, just so that I can cross things off when done.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Don’t be afraid to say yes to everything and don’t be afraid to say no to everything. There will be periods in your life that will need to be full and exciting – go, move, shake. There will be periods in your life that will need to be slow and steady – be still. You will find parts of yourself in both. Be curious about which state you’re in rather than being judgmental about it. Sometimes we feel hunkered down in life and feel like, “is this it?” but growth is forever and things will change before you know it.

Tell us something you believe almost nobody agrees with you.

That going out to eat at 7 PM is way too late! I love eating, drinking and enjoying myself early. I like to be done by 7 PM and maybe even on my way back home. The fact that you can make a reservation for 9 PM blows my mind.

What is the one thing you repeatedly do and recommend everyone else do?

Always have a lot of liquids, especially in the morning. You can typically always find me with water, sparkling water, coffee and juice or a smoothie, all lined up! Staying hydrated makes you feel better.

When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused, what do you do?

The best thing is to get some air, even if it’s just stepping outside for just a moment. Getting oxygen to my brain and lungs always helps. Walking is really helpful too – I try not to take my phone. I do this with my daughter too, when she’s having a tantrum, we take a walk around the block. Also, drink really cold water. If the overwhelming feeling is really bad, I stop for the day, I try to do something I love, that provides rest to my body and mind. And then I pick it up again the next day.

What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business or advance in your career?

Asking. I, 100%, follow the “it doesn’t hurt to ask” theory in life. Ask for help, ask for the business, ask for the next job, ask for a break, ask for support, ask for more money, ask for directions if you don’t know, it’s what will help you grow. In closing meetings, people say “Okay, let us know,” instead of, “is there any reason why you wouldn’t give us the business?” or “is there anything else you need from us to choose us?”

What is one failure in your career, how did you overcome it, and what lessons did you take away from it?

Even the failures are a significant part of my path, and oftentimes there are more failures than successes. Most recently, it was taking a position at a new company that I knew wasn’t a good fit for. Even with all my experience and knowing better, I still decided that “it would be fine” or that I would be able to “adjust and make changes”. Ultimately, when your values don’t align with a company, team or a project, it will never be what is best for yourself. It’s really draining for the mind and soul when you don’t have passion in what you do. This is a lesson I’ve learned more than once. When something isn’t a good fit, it’s time to move, transition, make a change.

What is one business idea you’re willing to give away to our readers?

Making connections. I love helping people connect with other people and connect deeper with themselves. You never know who is going to be able to help you and everybody’s business successes come out of some kind of connections with other people. I believe that business, community, and self worth, all grow with connection.

What is one piece of software that helps you be productive? How do you use it?

I don’t even know if this is considered software but my calendar is the key when I really want to stay on track and get things done timely. It blocks off what I’m doing, when and where I’m supposed to be, which is really helpful in keeping my tasks in check.

What is the best $100 you recently spent?

For my 3-year-old daughter’s dance recital, instead of getting flowers like everybody else, I decided to buy her a ukulele that she wanted. It wasn’t quite $100, but certainly the best $60 that I have spent in awhile. The “nightly performances” since then are incredible. It fills my home and heart with untuned, loud music and love.

Do you have a favorite book or podcast from which you’ve received much value?

The last book I read is Your Human Design by Shayna Cornelius and Dana Stiles of Dayluna. It is a guide to understand your personal alignment and authenticity through Human Design and I absolutely love it! The ideas and concepts behind human design resonate deeply with me and it helps you learn how to make decisions so I continue to try to learn as much as I can. They also have a podcast that I love, it’s called “Human Design,” it’s life changing. Recently, the podcast I’ve gotten the most value from is “The Expanded Podcast” created by “To Be Magnetic.” It is a manifestation podcast that focuses on the science and psychology behind manifesting. They have great guests with successes and it really helps me connect deeper to my intuition.

What’s a movie or series you recently enjoyed and why?

Ted Lasso is a great series and approach to life. The description says “what he lacks in knowledge, he makes up for in optimism, determination, and biscuits.” Honestly, isn’t that how we should approach our lives too?

Key learnings:

  • Never be afraid to ask for what you want. If you don’t know what you want, ask to get clarity.
  • Dance like everyone’s watching.
  • Don’t forget to breathe fresh air, drink water and sleep.
  • Connections will lift us all.