Reeve Benaron

Co-Founder of Intrivo Diagnostics

Reeve Benaron is an entrepreneur with a strong interest in healthtech, martech and adtech. Co-Founder and co-CEO of Intrivo Diagnostics, a healthtech firm set up in response to the need to find solutions to the pandemic, Reeve is also Chairman of AUDIENCEX.

Reeve launched AUDIENCEX in 2012 and turned it into one of the most innovative platforms for clients to maximize their marketing spend through the judicious use of AI and automated systems. Following the success of the company, an offshoot venture capital firm was also launched – AXVP. Reeve started out his investment banking career. At just 25 years old, he became one of the youngest ever VP at the Salomon Brothers investment banking division.

In February 2020 Reeve founded Intrivo and has been co-leading the team in developing an end-to-end healthcare technology management system beginning with COVID. This includes a rapid at home test called ON/GO and the accompanying platform that tracks and traces results. Working primarily with employers across public and private sectors, the ON/GO system runs on Intrivo’s proprietary Diagnostics as a Service (DaaS) technology, which allows seamless tracking and management.

Employers across the US have been using the ON/GO platform to effectively manage their workforces to avoid prolonged shutdowns or interruption to productivity due to COVID-19. The company has also donated $1 million worth of ON/GO COVID tests to hospitals in Ukraine. Intrivo is now in the process of working with other healthtech firms to put together another round of support for Ukraine.

Where did the idea for Intrivo Diagnostics come from?

We launched Intrivo as a direct response to the urgent need for progressive testing solutions to the then evolving pandemic. Working with the best scientists, future thinkers and software developers, we have grown the company into the provider of a key COVID-19 testing and tracing platform for employers and businesses, as well as rapid tests for end users at home.

Our mission at Intrivo is to get the best healthcare to those who need it most. We believe that everyone, everywhere is entitled to access real time healthcare, regardless of where they live and how much money they have. This underpins everything we do.

We’re now turning our attention to a world that is effectively managing COVID-19 and using our expertise to search for solutions to new global health problems.

What does your typical day look like and how do you make it productive?

For me, every day must start with the right attitude. I wake up and meditate to get my mind calm and exercise. I tend to look at challenges as opportunities and remember to take the time to be grateful for where I am, right now.

I also find it conducive to cross the hardest thing off my to do list first. This energizes me to deal with the rest of my day and keeps momentum going.

Each day I reach out to one person who is struggling and try to make their day better.
A lot of my time is spent with raising my three sons and staying actively involved with their sports and extracurricular activities.

How do you bring ideas to life?

By communicating with lots of people at all levels and learning all the time. I’ve always been an entrepreneur at heart and so I’ve naturally always had an active interest in brands and businesses and what they need to do in order to be successful.

This inspired me to launch AUDIENCEX – in order to empower every business with the tools they need to compete with established and large organizations. There is always a solution somewhere, and I strive to find it.

Been part of a team that builds products to advance humanity and drive innovation.

I believe that startups are the core driver of economic growth and job creation in this digital age.

What’s one trend that excites you?

The wider applications for automation and AI within healthcare to treat people anywhere and at any time. We’re only scratching the surface of what this tech can do to help us extend and improve the quality of our lives. Embracing AI is a natural extension of my commitment to improving myself and the services that we offer our clients.

What is one habit of yours that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur?

Less procrastination and pushing things forward whenever possible

What advice would you give your younger self?

The biggest lie is the lie you tell yourself – always stay true to your core beliefs. Keep an attitude of gratitude and be of service whenever possible.

Tell us something that’s true that almost nobody agrees with you on.

Anything is possible if we think it so and have an effective plan to execute. We can accomplish anything that we set out to do with the right tools.

As an entrepreneur, what is the one thing you do over and over and recommend everyone else do?

I stay in a healthy routine to keep myself balanced mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I try to practice humility and stay in gratitude.

What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business?

Surrounding myself with talented and good people who are not afraid to work hard and go to any lengths to solve the issues at hand.

What is one failure you had as an entrepreneur, and how did you overcome it?

I spread myself too thin and underestimated the scope of work. One of the biggest obstacles with startups is being forced to wear so many hats and play different roles in the early stages of the organization.

I have learned to pace myself, set realistic goals and delegate to people who I trust.

What is one business idea that you’re willing to give away to our readers?

Oftentimes whatever applies to people, applies to animals. At home testing and treatment for pets has a lot of potential and benefits for our four legged friends 🙂

What is the best $100 you recently spent? What and why?

I recently made a donation to an organization that supports children who need to find a home.

What is one piece of software or a web service that helps you be productive?

All technology exists to help us solve problems and, ultimately, to improve our daily lives. And for someone living in the city, Waze does just that. Finding the best way through the traffic is one of my daily challenges and this software saves my sanity!

What is the one book that you recommend our community should read and why?

Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude by Napoleon Hill. I read this early in my career and had a revelation that with a positive attitude and hard work anything was possible.

What is your favorite quote?

“Winners are not people who never fail, they are people who never quit”

“If you focus on the hurt your will continue to suffer, if you focus on the lesson you will continue to grow”

Key Learnings:

  • Communicating and listening are vital to long term success in business.
  • Be grateful every single day and treat problems as opportunities.
  • Technology exists to improve life – embrace AI and automation and make it work for your clients.
  • Our mind is like the software and our body is the hardware. What kind of programming we fill our mind, the body will put into action, consciously or unconsciously. If the programming is faulty, the body will show it.