Russell Hartley

Mindset Coach and TikTok Influencer

Russell Hartley, an American entrepreneur and internet personality, has made waves in talent management, e-commerce, and financial services. Known for his “ex-player” persona, he shares captivating dating stories from Los Angeles, reaching millions. With a distinctive style comprising bespoke suits and luxury watches, Russell, a Mathematics graduate from the College of Charleston, began his career in aerospace at Northrop Grumman. After 7 years in National Defense, he transitioned to entrepreneurship, finding success on social media by sharing personal dating stories and advice. Engaging fans through live streams, Russell prioritizes a positive impact on his audience, showcasing a unique blend of business prowess and relatable authenticity.

What is your typical day, and how do you make it productive?

I’ve intentionally structured my life with set appointments and commitments, creating a schedule that I can’t easily deviate from. For example, my piano lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays, breakfast prepared by my chef at a specific time, and the regular visits from housekeepers and my assistant. Having people around me who adhere to a schedule ensures I stay on track and remain productive. This structure helps me resist distractions and maintain consistency, preventing impromptu decisions to skip responsibilities or take spontaneous trips.

How do you bring ideas to life?

Some of my best problem-solving moments happen unexpectedly, like when I’m in the shower. I’ll be dripping wet, a solution will hit me, and I’ll hastily jump out to type it into my phone. It might seem unconventional, but it’s where many of my ideas and solutions originate.

Navigating complex problems involves layers of understanding, often unseen at first glance. While these intricacies might not be immediately apparent to others, I find that breaking down the journey step by step helps people grasp the depth of the issue. However, it’s not always feasible to take everyone through this intricate process. Solving the problem requires addressing each small cog in the machine, whether it’s in human labor or automation tools and programming. Ultimately, the goal is to enhance efficiency and productivity, building a system where clients can be brought in, and revenue can be generated.

What’s one trend that excites you?

I find it challenging to get excited about many things, as most endeavors entail navigating through complexities and solving daily challenges. While the enthusiasm for AI is a common sentiment, it doesn’t particularly excite me; I view it as interesting but potentially overhyped. However, I do appreciate innovative data management tools. These tools, when combined with my background in heavy data work, allow for efficient problem-solving and automation in tasks like Google Sheets. This integration saves significant time in engineering and empowers individuals without extensive scripting knowledge to handle data management effectively.

What is one habit that helps you be productive?

Consistency is key, especially when it comes to daily habits. This principle is fundamental to the success of my companies, where a daily commitment to refining and enhancing various aspects has proven to yield substantial long-term benefits.

What advice would you give your younger self?

When advising my younger self or anyone starting out, I’d emphasize the importance of building a brand first before diving into creating a product. It’s crucial to identify and connect with your audience—the person who believes in you and values your advice. Instead of developing a product in isolation, focusing on finding that initial supporter can guide the product development process. This approach helps avoid spending significant time on a product without a clear customer base, a mistake I personally experienced during a five-year period.

Tell us something you believe almost nobody agrees with you on?

I take pride in expressing my passionate beliefs. Recently, a TikTok video of mine garnered significant attention, touching on the topic of men criticizing women as gold diggers. I expressed my view that if my partner is with me, I want her adorned in quality accessories and attire, presenting herself well as a reflection of me. I emphasized the importance of maintaining a certain lifestyle, highlighting the idea that her appearance is a crucial element of my overall image. While controversial, I believe in openly sharing my perspectives, even if they spark debates or differing opinions.

What is the one thing you repeatedly do and recommend everyone else do?

Facing setbacks is inevitable, but my approach is straightforward: acknowledge the challenge, keep working through it, and maintain focus. While it might sound cliché, hard work and perseverance are essential. I believe in actively solving problems rather than dwelling on them. In the past, I mistakenly thought I could hire someone to handle challenges, assuming they would have all the answers. I learned that successful solutions often come from understanding the issues firsthand. It’s crucial to create well-defined tasks, review progress, and ensure accountability, even at higher levels. Ultimately, solving problems requires a proactive and hands-on approach.

When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused, what do you do?

In both my life and businesses, I’ve strategically positioned myself to minimize direct involvement in day-to-day operations. Initially, I took on various roles, being the hands-on person in sales, product creation, and delivery. As I gained insights and streamlined processes, I gradually delegated tasks. It’s akin to beating a drum: I start, train someone to take over, and move on to another area, creating a cascading effect.

What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business or advance in your career?

In growing my business, I’ve found traditional marketing strategies like referrals have limitations, especially for broader audiences. Social media, particularly platforms like TikTok, has become a game-changer. Unlike the past where advertising was hit-or-miss, now, anyone can create engaging content, and a simple video can reach millions. This democratization of visibility allows even unknown individuals to become influential.

What is one failure in your career,  how did you overcome it, and what lessons did you take away from it?

As an entrepreneur, I view challenges not as isolated failures but as part of the journey towards a destination, much like leading a team to find the lost city of El Dorado. Every step, whether perceived as a misstep or a failure, is an opportunity to adjust course and discover new paths. It’s a continuous process of laying bricks to fortify the business, addressing problems, and preventing them from recurring. I don’t dwell on specific failures but use them as opportunities to learn, adapt, and build resilience in the journey toward success.

What is one business idea you’re willing to give away to our readers?

If I were to start over, I’d focus on building a personal brand through social media. It’s the fastest and most effective way to connect with people. By creating a relatable and authentic persona, you naturally attract a following. Once people resonate with you, they’re more likely to support whatever product or service you offer. In essence, selling yourself becomes a powerful strategy for selling anything else.

What is one piece of software that helps you be productive? How do you use it?

You can simply share your thoughts on an iPhone, reach a massive audience, and potentially convert a significant percentage into customers. This approach has undeniably been the key to growing my business and building a brand, especially considering the unprecedented visibility and accessibility it offers.

Do you have a favorite book or podcast you’ve gotten a ton of value from and why?

The problem with books, especially self-help, is that owning or buying them gives a false sense of progress. Many people buy books, read a small portion, and then leave them unread, thinking they’re making progress when they’re not. Reading without action leads to an illusion of improvement. It’s like running on a wheel without going anywhere. Instead, I encourage people to be up and doing, solving real problems and making tangible progress in life. Sitting and reading can create fantasy problems without actual results. Productive reading, coupled with action, is crucial. If you’re going to read, make sure it’s for learning and implementing knowledge. I recommend Russell Brunson’s books like “DotCom Secrets,” “Expert Secrets,” and “Traffic Secrets” for practical insights into online business and brand building. These books provide actionable advice, emphasizing the importance of visibility and traffic for success. However, reading alone won’t suffice; it’s essential to apply the knowledge gained through action.

Key learnings

  • Dress the Part: Your personal appearance matters. It serves as your armor. Pay attention to how you present yourself, and ensure it aligns with the image you want to portray. Dress for success, as it significantly impacts how others perceive and respect you.
  • Build Your Personal Brand and Learn Sales: Your personal brand is a powerful tool. Put yourself out there and develop a brand that resonates with the person you aspire to be. Additionally, learn the art of sales. Effective communication and the ability to sell ideas or products are essential skills for success.
  • Master Data Management: Selling is one thing, but understanding and managing the data is equally crucial. Don’t rely on short-term successes. Build a sustainable machine by consistently improving based on data analysis. Whether you’re making direct sales or managing a business, a deep understanding of your data will set you up for long-term success.