Ryan Parino

Marriage & Family Therapist Associate

Ryan Parino stands out as a dedicated and empathetic Marriage & Family Therapist Associate, renowned for his commitment to collaborative, client-centered therapy. With a rich background in psychology, Ryan brings a unique blend of expertise and compassion to his role at Whole Wellness Therapy in Washington DC.

His journey in the field of mental health and family therapy is marked by diverse experiences that deeply inform his practice. From his invaluable work at Placer County’s Adult System of Care, focusing on case management, therapy, and treatment in substance use services, to his impactful role as a residential counselor at a group home for teenagers, Ryan has honed a keen understanding of the intricate dynamics of human behavior and relationships.

Ryan’s expertise extends into sensitive areas such as sexual health testing and counseling, as well as peer suicide intervention, equipping him with the skills to handle complex and delicate issues with finesse and understanding. He has also co-facilitated support groups for grief, LGBTQ+ family support, and men living with HIV, showcasing his versatility and commitment to diverse populations.

In his therapeutic approach, Ryan is particularly adept at aiding adults grappling with developmental trauma, existential dread, addiction, depression, anxiety, and issues surrounding sexuality. His methodology is deeply rooted in a trauma-informed, non-judgmental framework, emphasizing the importance of understanding and empathy in the healing process.

Above all, Ryan Parino believes in the power of the therapeutic relationship as a collaborative journey, where the therapist and client unite as a team to explore, understand, and navigate the complexities of life. His work is a testament to his profound commitment to enhancing mental health and wellness, and to the transformative power of acknowledging each individual as the expert of their own life.

What is your typical day, and how do you make it productive?

My typical day involves client sessions, where I focus on creating a supportive and collaborative environment. Productivity for me is about making meaningful connections and progress in each session. I also dedicate time for self-care and staying updated with the latest in therapy and psychology to ensure I bring my best self to my clients.

How do you bring ideas to life?

I bring ideas to life through active collaboration with my clients. By engaging in open dialogues, understanding their perspectives, and blending these insights with my professional knowledge, I develop practical and personalized strategies to help them.

What’s one trend that excites you?

The increasing acceptance and integration of mental health awareness in everyday conversations excites me. Seeing society gradually destigmatize mental health issues and prioritize emotional well-being is a significant step forward.

What is one habit that helps you be productive?

Active listening is a habit that significantly boosts my productivity. By fully focusing on and understanding my clients, I can more effectively address their needs and foster a productive therapeutic environment.

What advice would you give your younger self?

I would advise my younger self to trust the journey. The path to where I am now wasn’t always clear, but each experience has been invaluable. Embrace the uncertainties and learn from them.

Tell us something you believe almost nobody agrees with you on?

I believe that every individual, regardless of their background or experiences, has an innate capacity for change and growth. This may seem overly optimistic to some, but it’s a core belief that guides my practice.

What is the one thing you repeatedly do and recommend everyone else do?

I consistently advocate for open communication, both in personal and professional settings. Clear and honest communication is the cornerstone of understanding, trust, and growth.

When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused, what do you do?

When overwhelmed, I practice mindfulness and grounding techniques. These help me center my thoughts, regain focus, and approach situations with a clearer mind.

What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business or advance in your career?

Building strong, authentic relationships has been key. Whether it’s with clients or professional peers, genuine connections have opened doors and provided invaluable learning opportunities.

What is one failure in your career,  how did you overcome it, and what lessons did you take away from it?

Early in my career, I struggled to balance empathy with professional detachment. Over time, I learned the importance of setting boundaries for my well-being, which in turn, made me a more effective therapist.

What is one business idea you’re willing to give away to our readers?

A platform that connects experienced therapists with newer practitioners for mentorship and guidance would be invaluable. This could foster a supportive community and enhance the quality of therapy services.

What is one piece of software that helps you be productive? How do you use it?

I find scheduling software extremely helpful. It allows me to efficiently manage my time, ensuring that I can dedicate the necessary attention to each client while also balancing my administrative tasks.

Do you have a favorite book or podcast you’ve gotten a ton of value from and why?

I highly recommend the book “The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel van der Kolk. It offers profound insights into trauma and healing, which are integral to my work.

What’s a movie or series you recently enjoyed and why?

I recently enjoyed the series “Ted Lasso.” Its portrayal of positivity, resilience, and the importance of mental health, even in challenging circumstances, resonates deeply with my values and work.

Key learnings:

  • Embracing Open Communication
  • Importance of Continuous Learning and Self-Care:
  • Building Relationships and Community