Bridget Scarr – Executive Producer at Colibri Studios

Be grateful for everything you have and really appreciate those you love.

Bridget Scarr is a writer and creative producer who has an affinity for developing compelling content which extends across platforms. From television to digital content, virtual reality, augmented reality and interactive exhibition, her projects resonate with large audiences both intellectually and emotionally.

Bridget is also a seasoned Exec producer with over 15 years production experience in advertising, television, and animation. Over her career, Bridget has been responsible for overseeing the creative development as well as creative and technical production output of teams (from 5 to 220 people) across numerous productions spanning drama, children’s animation, entertainment, lifestyle, and factual entertainment programming.

Bridget currently heads up the content development, strategy and partnerships at Colibri Studios where she is involved with daily development and collaborates with international broadcasters, project partners, and creative talent to bring projects to life.

Where did the idea for Colibri Studios come from?

In my previous career, I was a TV producer focused on bringing other peoples ideas to life. When I decided to make a career shift and transition into development and the creative aspects of content creation the idea of Colibri Studios was born. I wanted a home for my ideation. Colibri is this place for me, it brings all my ideas to life under one umbrella whether they are Exhibition projects, Virtual Reality, Augmented reality, Digital Content or more traditional television projects.

What does your typical day look like and how do you make it productive?

My typical day begins with a meditation. This generally helps get me energized and focused. Then I have light breakfast with the family, followed by a short commute to the office. I never play on my phone during this trip. I focus on the objectives I have for the day and the projects I am working on. I will then work flat out at the office from 9 – 12, this is my most focused work time where I do all my research and writing of original content. I then have a short commute home where I will relax and read the industry news. We have a family lunch every day – it’s our main meal and gives us some quality time together. From 2 pm my work day is much more flexible. I will follow up on emails with co-producers and sales agents, read a book, find some alternative project inspiration, or watch an episode of TV, a VR piece or film. In the evening we take our son for a walk and play in the park, before a light dinner. Once he is asleep I will either do some more work or watch some new TV series depending on my frame of mind before a meditative bath and bed.

How do you bring ideas to life?

How I bring ideas to life depends on the project and its initial inspiration. Currently, I am working on an augmented reality project which allows users to connect to history in a visceral way through stories of everyday people who lived it. The project brings together factual and scripted elements as the app utilizes landmarks and monuments as portals to provide users with both the factual information of what happened, but more than this it immerses them in narrative stories of the time allowing them to really understand what people went through at the time. These are stories of real people, from diverse backgrounds communities and cultures and they make the history relatable.

On a project like this, I must look at how the technology can enable the reality for users. Understanding what is feasible and how much development is involved to bring the initial stirrings of the idea to life.

Then I must understand what I need in order to realize this. A sound knowledge of the history and best most evocative and poignant landmarks. Where I can get all the factual information. The historical audio and video content required. In this case, I needed a partner who had this library.

Once this is done, it’s about finding the real stories of the people that lived through this time, and creating new stories which are true to the history and can create the emotional responses we are wanting our users to experience.

And then it’s about finding the right team or project partners to realize it.

As you can imagine this all takes some time. From ideation to project completion can take months or even years.

What’s one trend that really excites you?

In virtual reality right now there is a push in utilizing this technology in positive life affirming ways, in education, in healing, even in granting a dying patient their last wish.

These are powerful projects with powerful technology. Interactivity and immersion together create limitless possibilities, and the beauty of VR is that it literally transports you. The medium is so affecting, it has the capability of really stirring emotions when done right. This means that experiences are exciting and memorable.

For me personally, I’m excited about what VR and AR can mean for education. To see young people engaging with subjects in a way that makes things tactile. It’s the perfect tool for museums, they can create a whole new type of exhibition.

What is one habit of yours that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur?

Apart from my meditation I really try to nurture my creative spirit. I will often just take a time out. Taking time out to laugh and to play with my son makes me remember whats important. Taking time out to get some inspiration, encourages my creativity, and sometimes leads to better ideas. Taking some time out in nature helps me connect with the world in a meaningful way.

Sometimes I think having a time out is the most productive thing I can do, it re-energizes my soul and keeps me feeling fresh and present.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Eliminate fear. Trust your journey, believe in yourself and your God-given gifts. Be grateful for everything you have and really appreciate those you love. Meditate. Breathe. Be light. Be free. Love unconditionally.

Tell us something that’s true that almost nobody agrees with you on.

Magic is real, and its all around us.

As an entrepreneur, what is the one thing you do over and over and recommend everyone else do?

I meditate daily and I really recommend this to everyone. It has changed my world for the better, and will most definitely do the same for you.

What is one failure you had as an entrepreneur, and how did you overcome it?

My first business had to close its doors. It had an internal collapse. financial difficulties arose as project finance was late, or didn’t materials as promised. Partners were unhappy, left the company to start a competitor company they started a huge smear campaign. It was ugly. They riled up suppliers, made false accusations in the press and on social media. When solution after solution failed to keep the company on its course, there was nothing left to do but accept the reality of failure. Not only was I personally and publicly defamed but me and my family were physically threatened.

It was devastating. I ended up not only losing a company that I had loved and grown over 8 years, but which had supported my siblings, my friends, and myself. People who had tried to help us lost their money as well. I personally lost everything that one can lose financially. I had nothing left. I was pregnant at the time.

Thankfully I had my partner and by the grace of God our child survived the stressful ordeal. I was depressed for at least a year, if not longer. My son helped a lot to overcome the ordeal, as did my partner. Finding my faith though really brought me back to life. Finding love in my heart, and going on an inner journey through meditation helped the healing. I don’t think you ever really overcome such tragedy, it’s something you have to continually work on. I am so blessed though, and I am grateful every single day, I have a wonderful family, love, and creativity in my heart and a world of opportunities ahead of me.

While I feel I overcome it more and more every day, I still hope to one day be able to show my gratitude to those who tried to help out financially and experienced loss, it meant the world to me that they wanted to help and did and renewed my faith in humanity. I hope to repay this one day when I can.

What is one business idea that you’re willing to give away to our readers?

Wine is about the experience, and that is what no wine app yet has managed to get right.

They either try to take the fun out of trying by telling you what you will or won’t like before you open a bottle or offer up a journal so you can keep notes. If it was memorable you would remember.

What hasn’t been done yet is an app for wine that has both an online store that delivers best of wine from around the world to your door and a wine concierge for setting up the best food and wine experiences you can find. It should have an AR app for recognition and reviews, virtual wine tours in VR and 360 online, and the business should be driven by content marketing digital content, TV shows, books, PR, and publishing.

Technology should enable us to live the best lives – encouraging us to get out there and see and experience the world in new ways… a wine app should encourage us to do the same. No one should ever have to drink the best wine alone.

What is the one book that you recommend our community should read and why?

I recommend “Destressifying: The Real-World Guide to Personal Empowerment, Lasting Fulfillment, and Peace of Mind” by Davidji. The book teaches you to transform your understanding of stress.


Bridget Scarr on LinkedIn: bridgetscarr/
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