Megghan Thompson

Founder of Megghan Thompson Coaching

Megghan Thompson is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and the visionary founder of Megghan Thompson Coaching, LLC, a pioneering platform dedicated to the empowerment of parents raising highly sensitive children. With over 14 years of enriched experience in the field, Megghan combines her deep professional expertise and personal insights to address the unique challenges faced by these children and their families. Her innovative approach, encapsulated in her signature 8-week program, has successfully helped countless families navigate the complexities of emotional sensitivity, reducing daily meltdowns and enhancing children’s resilience. Beyond her clinical achievements, Megghan’s work stands out for its compassionate underpinning and her unwavering belief in the transformative power of understanding and empathy in parenting. Through her dedication, Megghan Thompson has become a beacon of hope and a trusted guide for families seeking to turn sensitivity into a celebrated strength.

What is your typical day, and how do you make it productive?

My typical day involves a balance of client sessions, program development, and self-care practices. I make it productive by starting with a morning routine that includes prayer and setting intentions for the day. Prioritizing tasks and delegating when necessary also keeps me focused.

How do you bring ideas to life?

I bring ideas to life through collaboration and iteration. I brainstorm with my team, sketch out plans, then test and refine these ideas through feedback from clients and mentors. This process allows us to create practical solutions that truly resonate with the families we serve.

What’s one trend that excites you?

The increasing awareness and acceptance of mental health, especially in children, excites me. Society is beginning to recognize the importance of emotional intelligence and resilience from a young age, which aligns with our mission at Megghan Thompson Coaching.

What is one habit that helps you be productive?

Scheduling “focus blocks” in my calendar. These are uninterrupted times dedicated to a single task or project. This method helps me dive deep into work without the distractions that can often derail productivity.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Embrace your outspoken personality as a strength, not a weakness. Your empathy and intuition are powerful tools that will guide you in helping others boldly and creating meaningful change.

Tell us something you believe almost nobody agrees with you on?

I believe that highly sensitive children can change their behavior solely by equipping parents to change their relationship with them. These kids are not “too sensitive” but are instead uniquely equipped to offer deep insights and empathy. Their sensitivity, when nurtured correctly, can be a superpower.

What is the one thing you repeatedly do and recommend everyone else do?

Practice gratitude. Taking time each day to reflect on what you’re thankful for can shift your perspective, enhance your mood, and open your heart to more compassion and empathy.

When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused, what do you do?

I step away from work and go for a walk in nature. This helps me to clear my mind, reset, and return with a fresh perspective and renewed focus.

What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business or advance in your career?

Building authentic relationships has been crucial. Whether it’s with clients, colleagues, or mentors, genuine connections have opened doors and provided valuable insights and opportunities for growth.

What is one failure in your career,  how did you overcome it, and what lessons did you take away from it?

Early in my career, I tried to accommodate everyone’s needs, leading to burnout. I learned the hard way the importance of setting boundaries and saying no. This experience taught me to prioritize self-care and the value of quality over quantity in my work.

What is one business idea you’re willing to give away to our readers?

A mobile app that connects parents of highly sensitive children with resources, community support, and interactive tools to help manage emotional challenges. It could serve as a digital extension of what we do at Megghan Thompson Coaching.

What is one piece of software that helps you be productive? How do you use it?

Asana. It helps me organize projects, track progress, and collaborate with my team efficiently. We use it to manage everything from tracking client milestone completion to content creation, making sure we’re always aligned and on track.

Do you have a favorite book or podcast you’ve gotten a ton of value from and why?

Marsha Linehan’s work on Dialectical Behavior Therapy completely changed the trajectory of my career. I finally understood why my sister struggled so deeply in our household after taking extensive hours of training in DBT early in my career, including reading her first clinical book on the subject published in the early 1990’s. This book has been instrumental in understanding the foundation of sensitivity and how parents can prevent the emotional intensity of life threatening behaviors in adolescence and adulthood. It was eye opening, both for myself and in guiding parents. It offers deep insights into the strengths and challenges of being highly sensitive.

What’s a movie or series you recently enjoyed and why?

“Inside Out.” This animated film beautifully illustrates the complexity of emotions and the importance of accepting all parts of ourselves. It’s a wonderful conversation starter for families about feelings and the value of emotional expression. We recommend all of our clients watch it.

Key learnings:

  • Empowerment Through Understanding
  • Innovative Strategies for Emotional Resilience
  • The Role of Technology in Parenting