Joni Rogers-Kante

Joni Rogers-Kante

Founder, CEO, and Chairwoman Joni Rogers-Kante is the visionary and driving force behind SeneGence®. Joni’s dream of developing a company that gave women an opportunity to build their own business regardless of age, background, or education has become a global success, with offices in five countries and hundreds of thousands…

Meet Joni Rogers-Kante

Jared and Karina Rabin – Creators of Hang-O-Matic

Jared and Karina Rabin - Creators of Hang-O-Matic

You can accomplish more as a team. Jared and Karina Rabin are the creators of Hang-O-Matic, an innovative tool for hanging wall décor like a professional. In one easy step, Hang-O-Matic measures, levels and marks your hole for precision and accuracy every time. This husband and wife team realized their…

Meet Jared and Karina Rabin – Creators of Hang-O-Matic