Gary Vaynerchuk-Businessman who loves his family & the NY Jets

Gary Vaynerchuk is a New York Times bestselling author and American businessman who was born in Belarus and immigrated to the United States as a young child. Gary’s entrepreneurial instincts took over at a young age, when he owned a franchise of neighborhood lemonade stands and made $1,000 a weekend…

Meet Gary Vaynerchuk-Businessman who loves his family & the NY Jets

Marian Calabro – History marketing and writing maven

Marian Calabro - History marketing and writing maven

Marian Calabro is the founder and president of, a firm that helps companies use their past to position themselves for the future. She is also the voice of YouTube’s corporate history channel Featured on Wikipedia and a guest on The History Channel’s Modern Marvels series, Marian Calabro is recognized…

Meet Marian Calabro – History marketing and writing maven