Ben Vanden Wymelenberg – Owner and CEO of Woodchuck

Ben Vanden Wymelenberg - Owner and CEO of Woodchuck

[quote style=”boxed”]There is going to be an aspect of your business you despise doing. Get it done, and once you’ve pushed hard enough to reach the next level, you can hire someone else to do it for you.[/quote] As founders’ stories go, Ben Vanden Wymelenberg’s tale can be placed into…

Meet Ben Vanden Wymelenberg – Owner and CEO of Woodchuck

Todd Vatalaro – Director of Sales at Splice Machine

Todd Vatalaro - Director of Sales at Splice Machine

[quote style=”boxed”]Learn to enjoy the journey.[/quote] Todd Vatalaro has experience as a Sales Executive, with Million-Dollar quota carrying, direct and in-direct sales achievements: Cloud, SaaS, BI, CRM, Social & Mobile, ERP and more. In 1992 Todd Vatalaro, joined Apple Inc. As a MA (Manufacturing Associate). During this time he attended…

Meet Todd Vatalaro – Director of Sales at Splice Machine

Esther Kuperman – Founder of Sociidot

Esther Kuperman - Founder of Sociidot

[quote style=”boxed”]I would start building out ideas and forget about the long haul approach to work.[/quote] Esther Kuperman has been a lead marketing and design influence in leading brands and startups. She has worked with the National Basketball Association, and startups focused on web and mobile brands. As a lead…

Meet Esther Kuperman – Founder of Sociidot

Josh Cramer – CEO and Founder of Cramer Development

Josh Cramer - CEO and Founder of Cramer Development

[quote style=”boxed”]”…you don’t have to work a job you hate if you don’t want to. Find a job you love and do it.”[/quote] Josh Cramer launched Cramer Development in 2000, growing the company from humble beginnings in a small home office to a world-class web and mobile application development team….

Meet Josh Cramer – CEO and Founder of Cramer Development

Brandon Medenwald – Co-founder of Simply Made Apps

Brandon Medenwald - Co-founder of Simply Made Apps

[quote style=”boxed”]Iterate and ship. In the case of Simply Made Apps, we are in the software business. It’s easy to get stuck in the “feature list” game, where the company who can check the most boxes wins.[/quote] Brandon Medenwald is the co-founder of Simply Made Apps, a 3 person startup…

Meet Brandon Medenwald – Co-founder of Simply Made Apps

Juan Sanabria and Mateo Zlatar – Co-Founders of GuideOne

Juan Sanabria and Mateo Zlatar - Co-Founders of GuideOne

[quote style=”boxed”]Ideas flow freely and we are full of them! However, when it comes to using technology to tell stories, you have to first get a deep understanding of the content and the audience you’re working with. Then you have to look at the technology side and think, “what is…

Meet Juan Sanabria and Mateo Zlatar – Co-Founders of GuideOne

Brent Cahill – Co-Founder and CEO of FlameWave

Brent Cahill - Co-Founder and CEO of FlameWave

[quote style=”boxed”]I would have made the leap earlier. There is a great deal of stress and worry in starting your own business, as many of your readers will know. However, it won’t kill you. Much can be done with determination, vision, and a little help from your friends.[/quote] Brent is…

Meet Brent Cahill – Co-Founder and CEO of FlameWave

Bob Bentz – President of Advanced Telecom Services

Bob Bentz - President of Advanced Telecom Services

[quote style=”boxed”]A small business can’t compete with the bigger guys in the business so you really need to generate leads from the internet and email marketing.[/quote] Bob Bentz is an experienced entrepreneur with expertise in mobile marketing, IVR, online dating, and internet marketing. He is the president of Advanced Telecom…

Meet Bob Bentz – President of Advanced Telecom Services