Peter Barker

Peter Barker

You’re only as good as your weakest link.   Peter Barker is a passionate, experienced owner of Barker Management Inc, with the drive for providing exceptional service and positive experiences to his staff and clients. He was born in Orange County, California. Today, Mr. Barker resides in Orange County ….

Meet Peter Barker

Hector Sosa

Hector Sosa

Become successful in your own pace, in your way.   Hector Sosa Flores has a vast educational resume, beginning with Boston University, where he minored in political science and finance. Following that, he studied International Diplomacy in Madrid at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Next, Hector attended the University of San…

Meet Hector Sosa

Bomi Joseph

Bomi Joseph

Sacrifice small short-term benefits for large long-term benefits. Don’t be impatient. Don’t lose faith.   Since 1984, Dr. Bomi Joseph has been bio-hacking humans and phyto-hacking plants. As the Director of Peak Health Center in Los Gatos, CA, he promotes the concept of “endohealth” or “health from within”. Dr. Bomi…

Meet Bomi Joseph

Jade Beutler

Jade Beutler

Jade Beutler is an accomplished natural products industry executive with a 25 year history of leading innovative and cutting-edge companies. During his career he has been responsible for the research, development, sales and marketing of several award-winning and best-selling natural products. As CEO of Barlean’s Organic Oil he created Omega-Swirl,…

Meet Jade Beutler