Elias Markos

Elias Markos

I believe in working smart but focusing on the most important things first. You also must be able to delegate and let others take on some responsibility.   Elias Markos is a real estate developer in Toronto, Canada. He also owns and operates a short-term vocational rental company that manages…

Meet Elias Markos

Al Scobell

Al Scobell

Utilize your resources more and take the time to ask the right questions!   Prior to Caring Transitions, Al Scobell spent 17 years in the franchising world, holding leadership roles at companies such as Yum! Brands, the largest holding company in the restaurant industry, Church’s Chicken and Fazoli’s. Scobell then…

Meet Al Scobell

Wendy Lewis

Wendy Lewis

I don’t give up on anything. I’m very productive, because I’m very focused because of my math background. I’m extremely analytical, and that’s what makes me most productive.   Wendy Lewis grew up in the suburbs of Philadelphia. She went to the University of Pennsylvania for college and majored in…

Meet Wendy Lewis